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"Kirito, guys, we've got some news." I spoke up as we both walked in.

"Well? What's the beat?" Liz crossed her arms and waited as did everyone else.

"We're being hunted." K informed as he opened his arm screen.

"What?!" Everyone yelled.

"Hunted, how?" Kirito of course was already used to being targeted.

"A female player under the name of Tetsuka has been ascending rapidly thru the rankings. It's clear that she's attempting to reach the top spot, but in order to get there-"

"She has to go thru us." Kirito got the picture as K explained it.

"Precisely." He nodded back.

"Okay? What's so tough about that, huh? Just shoot her up and show her you can't be beaten. Problem solved, right?" Liz wondered.

"Not exactly..." K looked down at the ground for a moment.

I simply crossed my arms, knowing he was supposed to break the news to everyone at any moment.

"What is it, K?" Asuna prodded.

K suddenly clenched his teeth and growled to himself as he looked away from the group slightly.

"Is something wrong, K?" Leafa tried to comfort him.

"Listen, I haven't been entirely truthful with you." He stood tall, accepting his consequences on the chin this time.

"What do you mean?" Asuna waited.

"Oh no, here comes another truth bomb from K." Liz joked.

"Not entirely, this ones about the game." He continued.

"You're keeping secrets about the game from us? That seems..." Liz was at a loss for words.

"Wrong." Kirito spoke up glared.

K nodded shamefully.

"You shouldn't keep info from us, K. Especially if it's the kind that'll help us survive." Kirito was stern.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'll tell you all everything you need to know in greater detail later, but listen. Tetsuka is no ordinary player. Shino and I were confronted by her outside the gunshop and as we were both firing, she didn't receive any damage. The game grid didn't display and her HP didn't get chunked. As our encounter escalated, Tetsuka revealed to us that most of her body was covered in cybernetics. Augmentations that granted her streamlined armour plating and increased bullet resistance. Somehow, she was able to take multiple hits to the body with hardly even so much as a scrape, meaning that she's practically invincible." K told them.

"Woah... that bad, huh?" Liz got more serious now.

"What about Optic guns?" Kirito suggested as an alternative.

"Nah, Optic's aren't good enough for armour piercing. Not on their own anyway. We'll need to seriously think about how we're going to approach this next fight if we wish to succeed. Seems like we're all about to have our words cut out for us." K briefed.

"So wait, if Tetsuka is impervious to bullets, how do we go about taking her down?" Asuna asked.

"We upgrade." K nodded with a grin.

Technopath, Purple, Sharpshooter: K - Player1

"Alright guys, it's time I introduced you to my world. Tech, software, and all things in between. The cyberspace, if you will. I consider myself an expert in the field, seeing how others fail to provide elusive builds and strategies such as my own. But that isn't the point. With cybernetic mods and new tech at your disposal, upgrading and creating new weaponry is as easy as snapping your finger. All you need is some technical skills, some luck and the know how to put it to the test. The bottom line is, we have a ton of new toys to play with." I explained and grabbed an assault rifle off the table behind me before tossing it to Kirito.

The Crystal Swordsman: Alfheim's AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now