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Spriggan King, Warrior, Crystal Swordsman: K

"Land ho!" Sinon called from the bow.

"We're home!" Athena exclaimed from the crows nest above.

I looked ahead to Alfheim glistening upon the horizon. Bright flickering lights and a flock of passing birds soared above as our vessel rocked upon the waves. The reflection of the water, the shine from the sun, and the gentle hiss of our ship cutting the sea. It was feeling of freedom, a feeling of wonder. The waters soon calmed as we neared the port to park. I angled the boat so that the plank acted as a bridge onto the docks that we floated close to.

"Dropping anchor, Captain!" Sinon called, awaiting my approval.

"Aye! Time to offload!" I nodded and centred the wheel.

"Uugh..." Leafa groaned past me with her arms hung as she slugged along.

"You alright, Leafa?" Sinon approached her.

"Yeah... that spell just took a lot out of me..." She huffed.

"Come with me, we'll find you a place to rest for now." Sinon helped her walk off the ship.

"Kirito! How's the cargo?" I asked.

"We're good! Should be offloaded from the boat soon! Where are we taking it?" He inquired.

"We'll figure somethin' out." I smiled beneath the sun as I looked over to the brightly lit docks.

Passing by Sinon assisting Leafa was another attractive woman that seemed to effortlessly catch my eye. She approached the vessel with purpose.

"Welcome back to port, Captain." She stood strong at the end of the dock.

"Much obliged, Fuka. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked as I stepped on the plank of the ship.

"You owe me the pleasure, heh. Queen Sakuya requests an audience with you. She's eager to hear about your endeavors upon the seas." Fukaziroh crossed her arms with her hip popped.

"Is she now? Perhaps she may have our cargo." I smirked at the thought.

"What?? But we worked hard for this." Kirito seemed reluctant.

"Yeah! We're not giving it up after all that!" Liz fumed.

"Alright, alright. We'll give her an offering then." I chuckled.

"Actually, could you come write down your ships manifest?" Fuka pulled out a book, finally starting to do the work her job entails.

"Of course, no problem at all." I flapped my wings for a brief hop onto the docks as I approached Fuka with her book and quill.

She held it out to me and as I took it to start writing, she leaned in close as if she were trying to read what I was etching on the page.

"I'm in love with you, you know." Fuka stated out of nowhere.

I finished writing in the book and clapped it closed with a sound.

"You... what?" I was very caught off guard.

"You've just always been attractive to me, both inside and out. You're just so amazing all the time and I don't know how to not feel this way around you." Fukaziroh admitted.

I just stared at her, completely dumbfounded by what she just admitted. Surely she's just messing with me, right? No... it makes too much sense.

"I... wish I could help with that, Fuka. I really do. Unfortunately, I'm happily in love and I don't plan to run it into the ground. I can still give you all the flirtatious fun as I always have, but this is my life now. I don't want to change it." I tried my best to explain while flustered.

The Crystal Swordsman: Alfheim's AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now