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I awoke the next morning and forced myself out of bed, kissing the top of Sinon's head as I let her sleep more. I exited the bedroom and found a still full glass on the table at my seat. I let out a faint chuckle as I grabbed the cup and took a sip. Kirito, Asuna and Zeliska all came thru the front double doors as Yui sat on her fathers shoulder.

"Oh, hey guys." I smirked and downed my drink.

"Jeez, did you not get enough last night?" Kirito chuckled.

"What do you mean? That was only round one." I responded with a smug look on my face.

"Oh, god." Asuna rolled her eyes.

"You could at least start with breakfast." Zeliska recommended.

"This is breakfast." I replied.

"Listen up, losers! Free up your schedules cuz we have fun plans to attend!" Liz burst thru the entrance with Leafa and Silica alongside her.

"The Alfheim Anniversary event is finally back! They're hosting it in Yggdrasil city this year so its all strung up with pretty lights!" Leafa was excited.

"They have a theme this time too! Traditional Japanese Culture!" Silica squeaked.

"Wow! Really? Ooh, I wonder if they have candy apples!" Asuna shared the enthusiasm.

"That would be a lovely thing to go to! Sadly, I have some things to do in the real world and I just won't be able make it." Zeliska spoke up.

"Oh, that's okay. When you get back, you'll have a proper house built especially for you and Daisy." I told her.

"That would be wonderful. Bye bye now!" She waved and logged out.

"Oh, I didn't know she meant right away." Liz commented.

"It's fine. Where were we?" I asked.

"The Japanese festival will have games, food, and even stores to buy legendary items from their rich history!" Leafa chuckled.

"Kirito? Why don't you let me pick you a kimono?" Asuna rubbed his shoulders as she leaned in to ask him.

"Ehh? Well, as long as it's not too flashy..." Kirito nervously answered.

"What was all that yelling about? And why did you slam the door open?" Sinon groggily said as she emerged from the bedroom rubbing one eye.

"Alfheim's Anniversary is today! They have a Japanese theme, lights, kimonos and everything!" Liz exclaimed.

"Woah Really?? I didn't know that was today! I love festivals like those! Especially kimonos!" Sinon shot awake with passion.

"Oh, no. I'd be going bare back in order to accompany my wings. Besides, I should probably find Kureha and help her train." I explained.

"I can cut slits in the back for you, K." Asuna offered.

"Well..." I scratched the back of my head.

"Come on now, love." Sinon leaned in with a cute smile on her face.

"Mommy? What's all the fuss about?" Athena rubbed her eyes as she walked up to us.

"Sweetheart, we're going to a light festival!" Sinon smiled in excitement with her.

"Yeah, Athena! We're gonna wear kimonos!" Yui flew up to her in pixie form.

"Aheehee. Yay! That's gonna be so beautiful!" Athena awakened pleasantly.

"Aww, That would be so cute!" Leafa chimed in.

The Crystal Swordsman: Alfheim's AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now