Panzer Vor!

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We rolled alone on our tank excursion towards the safe zone of the circle. All seemed quiet as we rolled over the hills so I ducked my head under to speak with the girls inside.

"Seems like we're in the clear for now. How is everyone doing?" I asked.

"We're fine." They all answered at once.

"Drivings getting easier." Sinon spoke up first with a smile.

"Shooting is still easy." Violet wasn't phased.

"And I'm still trying not to get my fingers pinched!" Kureha carefully held another shell at the ready.

"You'll get the hang of it." I smiled when our tank suddenly rumbled.

"Stop!" I ordered and Sinon slammed on the brakes.

I stuck my head out and looked around until I found an enemy tank on our left. It stopped and aimed, readjusting to fire at us again.

"Reverse!" I yelled and we rolled backwards just in time to avoid their next round.

"Left and shoot on sight!" I yelled.

Our tank turned and we fired just before they could readjust their barrel fully. We eliminated a stationary STuG III tank destroyer that could have knocked us out with ease if we hadn't moved out of the way quick enough. Even tho it was originally designed as a mobile assault gun for infantry support, the STuG III was the second-most produced armoured German tank of the World War Two era. It came close to hitting us but it's unfortunate design flaw is that it can't turn its barrel without turning its entire chassis direction. Thankfully if we did get hit in the sides, we had armour plating to defend against total breakdown so easily. Not to mention the extra armour everywhere else too. It was us against the in-game world of Tankery Battle Royale, and we planned to take the win for ourselves.

"Keep pushing forward until we reach the next safe zone. The collapse will be closing again very soon." I instructed.

"Got it." Sinon increased our speed slightly and rolled us up over a hill.

With our new vantage point, I panicked as I spotted two tanks suddenly next to us on either side.

"Woah!! Tanks on the left and right of us! We're pinched!" I called out.

"What do we do??" The girls all yelled to me.

"Get us the hell out of here!!" I shouted and Sinon put the tank into full gear.

The engine roared and we fled at full speed, avoiding tank shells that started raining all over the place around us. We had mobility on our side to help but they continued to try and fire at us as they moved.

"They're not letting up! I think they're both on the same team! They definitely want our blood bad!" I yelled to them as rounds began to blow up near us but kept missing as we were moving.

"What are we supposed to do?? We can't fire back accurately while in motion!" Kureha worried.

"But if we don't answer back, they might take us out... hmm." I explained but then it hit me.

I turned to the machine gun and aggressively racked it ready as I turned it back towards one of the other tanks.

"Hungry? Eat Fifty Cal!!" I unleashed a full auto barrage all over the side of the metal plated tank.

My bullets ended up busting the side gears for its treads and it spun out, still functioning but just out of the chase altogether. I immediately spun around to the other one with a smile on my face and continued to fire the rest of the heavy box magazine.

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