Baited Bolstering

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Sakuya had informed Leafa, who was escorting my assigned Sylph casters, that I was to attend a meeting of the political variety. I wasn't to bring any of the usual gang with me this time, that included my wife. I was to bring only my advisor, Zeliska along. We walked casually thru the city streets towards Sakuya's palace. We got some looks and stares but it wasn't anything I wasn't already acutely used to. I entered the usual main ballroom floor when I noticed a blonde Sylph man in the middle of the room.

"Welcome, Majesty K. Right this way. Queen Sakuya has been inspired by your work and has implemented some improvements of her own. She truly hopes you'll appreciate them. One at a time, please." The man guided me to a set of double doors on the right wall of the room.

He gestured forth to them, gently braced my back with his palm, and politely walked away to presume his post. I looked to the doors and peeked back at the man for a moment but he simply stared off towards the main entryway. I brought my attention to the doors and put my hand out to touch them. That's when they slid open and an incredible current yanked me in and off my feet. Before I could realize what was happening, the door slammed shut and my chest suddenly felt tight. As I scanned around me tho, things began to calm out. I was being lifted by a wind current, gently spinning along the ride. I felt light and isolated, it was amazing. I almost couldn't believe it. An elevator created purely by magic. It filled me with wonder. The same wonder that I imagine Sakuya felt after the implementation of my airport to her kingdom. I gently reached the top and landed within an open doorway.

"There he is. Now we may begin." Sakuya eased everyone at the table.

"I apologize for the wait. I had a disciple in desperate need of a lesson." I explained myself as Zeliska landed at my side.

I took an empty seat just next to Sakuya with Zeliska standing beside me when an all too familiar face spoke out.

"What the hell are we even here for?" Eugene grumbled.

"We're here to discuss the future of our world. As you know, the newest elected Spriggan king has brought much profit, growth and innovation to the land of Alfheim. He's not only improved his own kingdom, but has built a strong bond to rejoice many others as well. We have him alone to thank for our recent improvements. Not only that, but I'm extremely proud to be the first to congratulate you, K, on being this games most powerful magic user." Sakuya graced to me sincerely.

"Really?" I shook with excitement and kind of fought back a giddy giggle.

"That's what our research shows." She smiled, enjoying my obvious enthusiasm.

That's all I had truly wanted in this game since the very beginning. Yes, I absolutely loved going thru whatever arduous task it took to create a one of a kind sword for myself. But my real dream in this world was to become its most traversed magic user, despite only being one of the chosen races. I studied and absorbed so incredibly much that others had begun to ask if I was some sort of master wizard. Not quite, I would always tell them modestly. Some were even baffled by the idea of cross race magic at first. I suppose that's why people began to recognize me. You know, for my purple fire and all that?

"Impossible!" Eugene slammed the table with his palm.

The bang silenced the room.

"Eugene. Your place here is hardly ethical, even with the knowledge that your king brother would tell you every single word that he heard here today. But we both know he doesn't show his face and this meeting requires Salamander presence. Please, act accordingly." Sakuya was stern.

"I apologize, miss Sakuya. I don't know what befell me." He growled, knowing exactly what befell him.

I think that was the moment I truly figured him out. He could never hold himself back when power was involved. If It's about who's ultimately strongest, he has to have his name in the running no matter what.

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