The Pink Salamander

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In the bright sun just within the edge of a dense forest, Shirley swung at me multiple times with her daggers as I narrowly backed up to avoid her. I ducked, dipped, dived and dodged each of her incoming attacks smoothly until one of her blades landed a cut across my left cheek. I leaned out of the way of her next attack and performed the same wind spell Leafa had used against Hati. Shirley slid back away from me but stood her ground, this time readying to fight yet again.

"Come on, Shirley. It won't just be wind spells that your opponents use against you. You have to spot the magic before it can be cast." I explained and stood tall.

"Then start using fire. I'll never learn if I'm not exposed to failure." She insisted.

"If that is what you wish." I ignited my palms in my purple flame and awaited for her to attack first.

Shirley charged at me once more, swinging rapidly as she advanced forward with every step. I narrowly ducked a few and as I tried to retaliate with a spell, she kicked me. I stumbled back and she performed a series of big kicks that I had to quickly block with my burning hands. Shirley was aiming high for my head but ultimately moved lower as I barely blocked a kick towards my ribs.

"Yes. Yes! Keep going, Shirley! You have a fiery spirit within you! Don't let it fizzle out!" I encouraged.

She spun and kicked me in the arm then ducked down low to sweep me off my legs. Shirley tried to pounce and stab with her daggers but she had unknowingly stabbed my illusion decoy.

"Well done, Shirley! I'd say your training is more than complete." I clapped and smiled from behind her.

"B-but, there must be something more you can teach me. More about the world of Alfheim or more about how to easily take down your opponents." She insisted.

"But alas, I do not have all the answers you seek. If you really want to know more, just stick around with us. We'd be happy to have you on some more adventures." I assured her.

"Th-Thank you. That would be really nice." She nodded.

"Spriggan King!" An angry male voice yelled from above.

The two of us looked and found Eugene accompanied by two Salamander soldiers who held a struggling Kureha.

"Ugh! Let go of me!" She fought but couldn't break free.

"We hereby sentence the Pink Salamander to permanent residency here in the Spriggan kingdom. She has been causing a major fuss in the Salamander zone and it ceases to recede." He ordered.

"That's because you never held up your part of the deal! It was the dragons again, K! They're the ones that-" One of the players put his hand over Kureha's mouth.

"Hey!" I drew my crystal sword without hesitation.

"We don't want any trouble. Here." Eugene gestured and the two soldiers pushed Kureha towards me.

I caught her and she held on to me for a moment as I spoke quietly in her ear.

"The Pink Salamander?" I whispered.

"I'll explain later." She replied before taking my side.

"What's this I hear about breaking our agreement?" I asked seriously.

"Oh, please, K. You knew that was never going to happen." He grinned.

"I was surely hoping that it would." I stepped forward and gripped my sword tighter in my hand.

"K!" Kirito flew up with Asuna and Sinon who had just now come out to see us.

"K, Eugene's on our side, there's no telling what you'll do if you start another war." Kirito stood it front of me.

The Crystal Swordsman: Alfheim's Awakeningحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن