chapter 3: Is this a dream?

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Enjoy, i worked hard on it!

                                                                         (F/n) p.o.v.

I woke up. The first thing I thought was:' Where the hell am I?!' I looked around and saw that I was in a small city (or a big village), in front of a castle. Suddenly, I remembered what happend. I felt I was getting a panic attack. Oh no, where is (Y/n)! I tried to look around, but my vision was blurry. I rubbed my eyes, but unfortunately I still could barely see. Ow, my head hurts like hell! Urgh, I think I'm gonna faint. I tried to grab something, but I failed (just like my test last week, I hate my life). And boom, I fainted and fel on the ground.

                                                                           (Y/n) p.o.v.

I woke up. Where the f*cking hell am I! Okay, easy (Y/n), easy. WHY AM I THINKING THAT I DON'T NEED TO PANICK WHILE I AM IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE, WHILE I WAS A FEW SECONDS AGO IN MY DAMNED ROOM (I'm sorry for the bad language). Wait a damned minute... *le gasp* the... the nintendo switch! Am I in the legend of Zelda!!! I have read so many fanfics about it! No, impossible, Oh, I know! Let's ask someone to slap me! Wait a second........... (F/n) oh no! I ran around, trying to look for (f/n). While I was running I began to cry. What if she was kidnapped, or raped, or killed! Then it would be all my fault. It was my fault the nintendo switch began to crash. Then I saw a guy with dirty blond hair and a blue tunic, who was carrying a girl. She had a (s/c) skin and (h/c) hair. I looked closer. Yes, it's her, without a doubt! But why is that guy carrying her? I ran to them. 'STOP !' I yelled. The guy looked at me with a questioning look. I stopped with running and began to talk. 'Why are you carrying my best friend? And mostly, what did you do to her!' I said, trying to look fearless (while I was shaking like hell). 'She fainted, I'm bringing her to the castle to make sure she is okay. Is that enough information? I'm in a rush'. The blue eyed guy said. 'Tsk, I am going with you. I'm not letting a stranger take away my best friend without me watching to make sure you won't just kidnap, rape or kill her. I snapped sharply. The boy rolled his eyes and walked further towards the castle. I stalked *ahem* walked after him the whole time. After a while we were standing before a big gate. there were 2 guard guarding tit. The blond haired boy asked for permission to walk further. The 2 guards bowed their heads respectfully and said: 'Of course master Link'. Hmmm, I guess his name is Link (no shit Sherlock). Wait, Oh My God! Like Link Link! THE Link! This is so cool! wait, I expected him to be a little bit nicer, just like in the fanfictions. Okay, stop (Y/n). Focus! Your best friend fainted and you are here, fangirling about Link. I saw Link looking at me. 'What?' I asked. The blond haired guy rolled his eyes and said: 'Are you coming or not?' Not that I wouldn't mind if you would just go.' I put a hand on my hips and rolled my eyes. 'Well, too bad for you I won't leave, now suck it up and move' I snapped. He gave me a look that could kill and we walked into the castle. After a few minutes of walking Link stopped and knocked on a door. 'I heard a beautiful voice with a british accent saying: 'You can come in, just open the door. I am quite buzzy now.' Link opened the door and we walked into the room

Soooo, do you like it? I am 50 minutes extra on school now just to update. I mean, I made a promise. But I can't update more, I have a geography test tommorow. I hope you guys liked it. Love you all!

-xxx- Sharif

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