Authors note (again, sorry :p) very important!!!)

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Hi everybody! I'm so sorry i didn't update for so long. I had some family drama :(. My parents... well, they hate anime and they don't want me to chat with strangers and read loz stories and anime fanfic's (they saw i read lemons). Rip me :'(.                                                                                           My dear friend bookwormstories01* is going to post my fanfic for me. It is still my story and all but my parents are checking my phonehistory. The posting will stay here on my account. the girl that will be posting is in the same class so you guys can still post comments and she will tell me. On top of it, it means i won't be in able to post quickly. Sorry :(!                                                                      All this shit is going to be hard, because no anime and fanfic's anymore. That was my life so now i don't have a life anymore (not that i had one...).                                                                                                   I want to thank bookwormstories01*,  because she is helping me a lot to get this story published. Thank you so much! And i guess that was all i wanted to tell.                                                    

 Love you guys!                                                                                                                                                                        -xxx- Sharif and Sjouk.I



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