I'm not training in a ball gown!

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The birds chirped, and the sun shined. I woke up, after I slept in until 12 am.

Hah, that's how I wished it would be.

I heard a knock on my door at 5.30. I groaned, opening the door slightly.

'What do you want?' I growled when I saw his face.

'Oh good, you're awake' he said with a smirk.

'Oh my...goddess? Anywys, I could kill you, you fucking ugly ass donky' I cursed.

'Why do you always curse?' He said, acting like's innocent.

'Don't play holy, idiot. Anyways, why are you even here at 5.30? You would knock on my door at 6? I asked, crossing my arms.

'And you would wake up at 5.30? Yeah, I knew you weren't going to wake up, I'm not stupid.'

'Weeeeeeellll, are you sure about that?' I teased.

'Why are you like this?' He sighed.

'Why are you like this? I mocked him. 'Just because, idiot' I shaked my head. 'And you say you're not an idiot.'

'You're so childish.'

'I know, and now go away! I will see you at 6, I promise.' I pledged.

'You sure about that?' Link asked, totally not convinced about my promise.

'Look, I may be annoying and we both can hate eachother, but when I make a promise, I will live up to the promise.' I said indignant.

'Hmm, okay, I believe you. See you at 6.'

I closed the door, and started to brush my hair. When I was done I looked in the closet.

Only. Dresses.

I opened my door, furious (mostly because of my morning mood), and stormed to Link, who was eating breakfast.

'What the hell was that?' I snapped.

'What?' He asked, clearly confused.

I took a deep breath. 'Why are there only..dresses.. in the closet?' I said calmly.

'I dunno, the maids probably did that.' he shrugged.

That made me only more furious, I needed to put on a dress, and he acts all cool about it.

'You got money?' I asked.

'Yes?' he hesisantly said.

'I need fighting clotes. I'm not going to fight in a sort of ball gown. I'm not even going to put on a ball gown. Ever.'

Link sighed. 'Come' he ordered.

'I'm not a dog' I said stubborn, not moving.

'Weeeeeeelll, are you sure about that' He mimicked me from before.

I started to walk and whispered:' I swear, I hate you so much'

He answered with a simple: 'I know'

We walked in silence until we reached his room. 

'The heck, I ain't going into your room, perv' I said disguisted.

'Are you kidding me?' he took a deep breath. 'I have clothes that are too small for me, just put that on.'

'Oh.. thanks I guess' I muttered.

He went into his room, while I stood at the door waiting. He walked to me and handed me the clothes. 

A silence with love (link x reader loz)Where stories live. Discover now