Chapter 2: Happy Birthday (Y/N)

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Hi, Mina_is_my_baby here!! I would like to thank you for reading this!!! I'm sorry I didn't updated Saturday, but I am gonna update today!! I hope you like it! Oh, and (Bd/d) is Birthday date and (hg/n) is handsome guy name (your outfit is the one of the picture)

I woke up from the memory from 5 years ago. Every night it was the same. I go to sleep, the memory about my mother who's blood was purple, and I wake up. scared and sweaty.

This time I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. I was wide awake, and decided to take a shower (because I were sweaty). 

When I was all clean, I started to think. I had an excited feeling, but I didn't know why. When I looked on my phone I saw the date. It was (bd/d).

I started to smile and looked again at my phone. This time to check the time. It was 5.30 a.m.. 'Way too early for a Saturday'I thought. I decided to put on a grey sweater with a denim jacket, black leggings and white sneakers (and brown glasses if you wear them). After she had changed she combed her hair and brushed her teeth. 

After that, she took her phone and started scrolling through Pinterest.  When I saw a happy family picture with 2 kids and their parents I growled and threw my phone on my bed.

I looked at my alarm clock on the left side of her bed. '9 a.m. already!' I thought. Time surely flies by when you're on your phone. 

I ran down the stairs, to see a smiling (B/n) waiting for me. 

'Happy birthday, ugly gremlin' He said. 

I grinned at him 'Thanks, little bitch' I said to him. 

He placed both of his hands on each shoulder, and studied me.

'hmm, you definitely look 1 year older, (Y/N)!' (B/n) said happily. 

I chuckled at my brother. 'He always knows how to make me laugh' I thought. He always played the mother, father and brother for me. 

'Oh, and I have a present for you!'(B/n) said. 

'Thank you, you shouldn't have! I said, knowing he worked days and nights to afford normal stuff. 

'Oh please'(B/n) said, 'I see the excitement in your eyes!' I chuckled and said:'Well, I am curious.'

(B/n) laughed:'Okay, close your eyes' he said.

I heard him walk out of the room. After a few seconds she heard footsteps entering the room. 

'Open your eyes' I heard (B/n) say. I slowly opened my eyes, looking at the present my brother had for me. I really wanted to know what it was!

(B/n) gave you the present and I started unpacking the wrapping paper. When I was done, you saw it was a videogame. You read the title: The legend of Zelda, breath of the wild. 

My eyes started to sparkle. I started to squeal and I gave your brother a hug. 'Thank you, thank you, thank you!' I said.

 (B/n) started to laugh. 'I knew you liked that videogame the Legend of Zelda, so when I heard about a new game, I thought it woud be a good present' (B/n) said. 

'A good present?' I said. 'It is the best present EVER!!!' (b/n) started to chuckle and said:' I knew you really liked the game, but to be so obsessed with it...' 

I rollen my eyes and chuckled. 'Well, I can't deny it, I mean.... If I would, I would be lying isn't it?' 

(B/n) laughed and ruffled your hear. 'That's true' he said. 

'Anyways, let's go and eat some birthday cake' (B/n) said. I heard stomach growl. (B/n) and I started to laugh. 

'I guess you agree with me to go eat some cake? ' (B/n) said. I quickly nodded yes and ran to the kitchen. (B/n) laughed. 'Hey, wait for me!' he said. 

~Time skip, brought by Author's laziness :P~ 

After the cake my best friend (f/n) came. She brought me a necklace with the triforce on it for your birthday. 

After giving (f/n) some cake (she whined the whole time for it) we decided to play the Legend of Zelda. It was really fun! After, like 8 hours of playing Zelda (f/n) and me decided to play something else. 

Then (f/n) came with a idea. 'truth or dare!' she literally screamed. (f/n) was the the first one to ask. '(Y/N), I dare you to stand still while I throw some Birthday cake in your face. 

I sighed. 'And what if I won't do it?' I asked. (f/n) thought for a while, clapping in her hands before evilly smirking. Then you need to go to (hg/n) and kiss him full on the lips in front of the whole school. 

I cursed, and chose the first one. I stood still while (f/n) picked up some of MY cake. 

I closed my eyes and waited for the cake to smash into your face. 

(f/n) trowed the cake to me and it was right on the nintendo switch. 'OH NO!' I screamed. (f/n) started to apologize over and over. 

I told her it was alright, and Iwalked over to the nintendo switch. I (and (f/n) behind you) looked to the switch and turned it on, to check if it still worked. 

Then, something really weird happend. The switch seemed to pull us in. 

We screamed and hold on each other hands. I felt a sharp pain trough your head and you fainted.

Hi! I hope you guys liked it! I am so tired, I hate school for making me tired :'(. Well, it was quite some work, because I didn't wanted to make it short like last chapter....... Thanks for reading this. I will update every week if I have time! I love y'all, Peace out!

-xxx- mina_is_my_baby


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