Rise and Shine!!

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I slowly opened my eyes. 

Dammmmmmnnnnnnnnnnn, why is everything so light. My EyEs ArE bUrNeD!!

'What is it with you and that friend of yours fainting all the time?' Link said.

I heard a slap.

'Link, be nice to our guests. They are going to be a great help to our land.' Zelda said.

I looked to them, opened my mouth and....

There was no sound.

Damn you, Hylia.

'What is it?' Zelda said with her sweet voice.

I stood up, still dizzy, but I didn't care at the moment.

I grabbed link's arm and dragged him with me.

'What the hell are you doing?' he snapped

I tried to speak, but again, no words left my mouth.

To my surprising, Link didn't question it.

When we were in a empty room, I tried to talk again.

'I need to tell you something' I said, being serious as ever (sike lmao, I'm never serious.)

'I already know' He said with a cocky smirk.

'Uh huh, and how?' I said unimpressed.

'Princess Zelda and I already knew about the coming of 2 people. I wouldn't take 2 complete strangers to the Princess' room just because one of them fainted.' He said.

'You're thinking your fucking Sherlock Holmes right now, don't you?' I said, placing my hands on my hips

'Who the hell is Sherlock Holmes?' he said, looking like a donkey who can't find his tail (I wanted to say dog, but let's be honest, he is a donkey)

'That is something I know, and you to find out' I said, trying to make shit mysterious. 

'Okay then.' He said.

'But do you know about me only being able to talk to you, then?' I said.

'Wait, what?' He said.

'Wow, I thought you said you knew everything, weren't you THE hero of the wild?' I said while rolling my eyes.

'Jeez, shut up and talk' he said.

'What the hell do you want, that I shut up or talk' I said with a grin.

'Oh hylia, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN' He yelled, being hella annoyed.

'Jezus Christ, okay!' I said.

'So, when I fainted...'


'I kinda saw Hylia, and she was different than from what I had imagined.' I said with an embarrassed laugh.


'She is chill, but kinda...uh...let's just say she likes to make it difficult for people.'

'Yeah, I kinda know.' he said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

I decided to not question it for now. I mean, we barely know each other. Plus we haven't exactly started off right.

'So, anyways, she said that I needed to train until I am ready for saving everyone, or something.'

'And why exactly does that mean that you can't talk to anyone but me?'

'Let me first talk okay! I said annoyed.

A silence with love (link x reader loz)Where stories live. Discover now