Chapter 1: traumatic experience

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Hey everybody. I'll just make it short. 

This was fucking bad. The first time. I was 11, and yeah, that tells enough. Now let's hope my 14 year old ass can fix this haha. (I think I've gotten a lot better though).

Oh, and if you like...bakugo, u can check out my other fics. I will still update U.A.: secret society. and Our light in the Dark. I have stopped writing from the others, I feel I need a holiday, a very long holiday, as I have told you before. Probably a permanent holiday, and I don't expect I shall return.


Okay, now I'm just quoting Bilbo in the Lord of the Rings.

But I do need a long break, as I will probably update the others in a long time.

Omg I just realized I said that I'll keep it short...thiS AINT SHORT

Well yes, anyways, enjoy my second time writing this!

Triggers: death 

* * * *

I wrote down some answers on my test. I heard every move my pen was making, for it was so quiet a needle could drop and the whole class would hear it. 

Until the phone decided to break the silence.

My seventh grade teacher got the phone, and listened to the caller.

When she looked at me intensly I could feel it was about me. But why?

Her eyes widened, and she gasped. Her eyes looked into mine, and I could see that she looked at me with pity.

What is the caller telling her?

'(Y/n)' My seventh grade teacher Rebecca said, 'can you come with me?' she asked me sweetly, with a forced smile.

I nodded, and stood up.

My teacher lead me to the principal's office. I saw my brother already sitting in that chair and he looked at me with red eyes, as if he had just cried, what he definitely had. 

But why is he here.  He shouldn't be in middle school.  He's a last year 

He quickly dried his tears.  'Hey, uh, just...please sit down.'

I wanted to say no, but I couldn't. Especially not now,  not when he is this funurable. 

I sat down. 

'(Y/n)...I don't know how to tell you this...I...I know this must be hard,  but both of your parents are in the hospital.  They are attacked by something we do not yet know.  I'm really sorry. '

I can't say that I cried at that moment, since I didn't. But I did felt emptiness in the place where I usually felt hapiness,  and worry in the place where I usually felt freedom. 

I just stared,  trying to let those words sink in, but they couldn't. I just wanted to see my mom and my dad.

'I want to go to the hospital. ' I said monotone 

The principal nodded her head.  She turned to my brother and gave her some cash. 

'Give this to the Uber ' she said and smiled a warm motherly smile. But not my mother's motherly smile.

He nodded.  'Thank you ma'am ' he said with a hoarse voice. 

(B/n) took my hand and gave a squeeze in it. 

When we were at the hospital,  my dad had already died. It was just my mom who was left. 

'Mom...' I said softly. 

'My children' she said,  but as she did,  she coughed blood, that was purple.  

'Mom' i said with a worried tone. 

'D-don't touch me...stay safe she said with a hoarse voice. She sounded like she hadn't drunk any water for years.

'I love you' (B/n) said. He looked at me.  'We love you'

A purple tear fell from her cheek.  'I love you too. '

Mom's eyes widened.  'M-malic- '

That was the last thing she said,  before passing away. 

* * * *


That was it.

And smile, you depressing beans 

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