《 Zoldyck Arc: Chapter Seventeen 》

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Keno[HxH 1999]

The star shines brightly in the night sky, each star connecting, creating a beautiful constellation.

"There....there...and there, that's Orion"

En whispers from the balcony, her golden eyes unblinking, focused on finding more constellations. So far, she had found Big and Small Dipper, Andromeda, and lastly Orion. Her little fingers tries to trace the outline of each dot before shaking her head when it's not a constellation.

Suddenly, the image of her Big Brother Killua flashes in her mind. The intense blue eyes made her shiver to the core. His eyes were so attractive she can't help but get captivated by it.

"What are you doing here?"

Jumping from her seat, she almost slip from the concrete until Killua hold her in place.

"B-b-brother K-Killua!" She exclaimed.

Steadying herself, she move a bit away from the boy before twiddling her fingers.

"I repeat myself, what are you doing here?"

"I was only watching the sky" she said, before looking at the sky again. Remembering everytime her and her brothers would do this back in the village, just laying on the valley watching the stars at night and if they're in luck, they can watch stars falling too.
En engrossed on the sky as her eyes beamed with happiness didn't notice how Killua watches her weirdly.

"They say that if you can count the stars then you'll be in luck forever"

She suddenly mutters.

"Hmm. I don't care though" Killua said making her shot her head towards him with unreadable expression. Nodding firmly she turn her head back and watch the sky once again, the two stayed silent, air filled with awkwardness until Killua jumps from the concrete and enters the house without a word.

En didn't mind.

She's just curious

Raising her hand she tried to reach the sky before she smiled sadly


"Why his are eyes filled with sadness"

       Killua going back to his room seated on the edge of the bed. The room absent of light, only the slight brightness from the moon gives source to his darkened room. Letting his upper body fall he spread his arms beside him staring at the ceiling, besides he can see clearly in the dark.

"Count stars huh?" Chuckling to himself, the five year old boy raise his feet before kicking and let his body raise, his feet landed on the ground with him standing with his might.

"There's nothing wrong with trying" he mumbled before walking towards the window. Raising his feet, he seated on the sill before jumping on the trees, outside running far from home.

          JUST AS THE SUN hits the window, En wakes up early in the morning just how she used to, back in Lukso. She prepared herself early dressing in her plain white dress before opening the door.
No one told her what would she do in here, is it to cook? To clean? To become a maid?

She doesn't know, so while working on it. She needs to cook for the Zoldyck and after that, ask Silva.
The maids tried to kick her out of the kitchen when she entered but insisting clearly made it all easier. Knowing that Zoldyck eats fancy and rich food, she made one which was thought by her mother which her mother learned while traveling.

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