Chapter 33: The Final Battle and The End Of The Age Of The Gods

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Through the portal, devastation awaited them, just as Furorem knew it would. He watched through Nairo's eyes, as did Libidine and Fortitudo. The grassy hills and verdant forests were smoldering soot and burnt out husks. The sky held a red sun covered by a thick layer of ash. Behind him, he heard a small voice, Mia?, gasp. He understood, since when they'd last seen Kami Lectulo, it had been beautiful.

One giant tree towered over them from about 100 feet away. It was a black goliath stretching to the clouds and as thick as a city block. And between the army of heroes and the megaflora stood one figure. Amogaru, slate wings and golden eyes shining against the grey skin of his stolen son. He had his katar out by his side, seemingly relaxed. Still, everyone could feel the tension in the air. It was as if they all stood on a giant guitar string, awaiting the fingers to pluck out the song of this next epic.

Mokali stepped forward and sighed, rolling her shoulders. She laughed when she saw the god stiffen a little.

"Aw, you scared of the mortal minded goddess?" Mokali said and Amogaru laughed.

"Oh you foolish being." He said then held up his unarmed hand. "You are a weakling, but you still have value." His voice took a silky tone as he and Mokali stared into each others eyes. The goddess smirked and closed her eyes.

"And guess what?" She opened her eyes and asked in a similar tone, making the god shudder a little.

"Hmm?" Amogaru inquired, and Mokali smiled.

"I am not a puppet. I call on the rights of Hasdevanu!" Mokali declared making the ruler god blink in surprise.

He quickly recovered, composing himself. He chuckled deep in his throat and shook his head.

"I accept, but I warn that it will be your end." He said, casually flicking out his Katar blades. He laughed. "Just thought you should know something first before we start, however." Mokali was silent as the god continued. He pointed his right Katar at Mokali. The whole thing was covered in blood. "This is all from your pitiful excuse of a cousin. I figured I'd kill you two miserable upstarts with the same weapon."

Mokali smiled and she seemed fine by that taunt.

"You know the rules of Hasdevanu. The other are to watch to see who wins and who dies." She said as she watched him again flinch. He narrowed his eyes at her and she tilted her head a little.

"What? You don't like that I know so much about this right of leadership? You shouldn't have made it." The goddess said as she took her griffin form, all the while with a coy smile on her face. Amogaru growled under his breath and simply waved a hand, the others appearing with the same golden eyes as the male. Mokali again laughed and with a flick of her wing the gods shook their head as their eye color returned to the normal one they own, as well as Tokali there behind her, shivering and free from the cage.

"I know everything about Hasdevanu, it is written down and I studied it. Now we can fight." Mokali said as her coy smile turned to a sinister one. Amogaru himself looked a little fearful.

He growled and clashed his blades together.

"Freeing them is a pointless gesture. They will be back in my fold in no time." With that, he leapt at the towering monster of a Goddess that was his foe. His Katars glowed gold as he streaked at Mokali's face at lightning speed. Mokali's head was rocked back as all six blades carved scratches into her muzzled in a triple X fashion. He kicked off her nose flipping into the air, reading himself to rocket back at her. But before he could, the goddess swiftly clawed at Amogaru and smacked him out of the sky. He spiraled downward before recovering in the air. With a flap of wings, he attacked again. Mokali reared onto her hind legs, ready to intercept her foe. She swiped at the smaller figure, but he dove below it, charging full tilt into Mokali's chest.

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