Chapter 19: Training Continues

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"I'm training you right now, not the Sins." Kami said, shaking his head. "Come on, you guys can do better." The other three demigods stood up slowly, groaning. They positioned themselves so that they were standing all around him, with Ryu taking front, Bekali and Aroara to his left and right, and Arigo behind. They all stood, waiting for a signal. Arigo took a step forward, and this set everyone off. Arigo charged forward and swept his leg low, at the same time that Aroara and Bekali threw right roundhouse kicks simultaneously. Kami leapt up, but Ryu had seen that coming. He was already in the air, somersaulting. He threw his leg out, and would have caught Kami squarely in the crown of the head had he not blocked the shot. Kami fell back to the ground, where Arigo, Aroara and Bekali were waiting. They all descended on him at the same time, striking with fists and feet. Kami had to concentrate to dodge them all. After a few seconds, he caught their pattern. As soon as Bekali threw a left hook, Kami caught his arm and threw him over his shoulder. Bekali hit the floor with an "Oof." Ryu landed, and joined the fray, but Kami decided that he was going to end it. He stepped back and put his right arm on the ground. He pivoted back and started spinning on his hands. Air flare. Aroara caught a foot in the face and was knocked spinning to the ground. Ryu and Arigo both backed up, as Kami finished the maneuver.

He stood, smirking like the cocky cat he was. Ryu and was annoyed. Arigo was pissed. They looked at one another and nodded. Arigo raised his hand and a green ball formed. He tossed it at Ryu, who absorbed it. He glowed green, eyes turning a deep forest green. He crouched down, then sprang at Kami, moving much faster. Kami laughed, to easy. Kami blocked Ryu's punch, but before he could counter, Ryu was gone. He attacked Kami from behind. Kami barely whirled in time to catch the kick. He dropped his elbow on the limb, which cracked. The cat kicked the boy's other leg out from under him. As he fell, charged from his right. Kami didn't even look, throwing his left leg out and catching the Demigod in the breast bone. He dropped, and the fight was over.

"Jeez, now this is what I get for going easy." The cat said as Stella looked surprised. She shook her head and then looked to the Sins.

"You think he has been going easy this entire time?" The dragon asked and Meliodas nodded.

"Yeah, he seems to be holding back. I wonder what he is holding back?" The dragon sin wondered out loud and the other sins besides Gowther looked surprised and almost scared.

"As much as I don't want to school you lot, I guess I have to." The cat said and with the rose vines made a sling for his arm. His long whip like tail wound around his feet before he just seemed to disappear.

"Umm, flower cat." Stella said, in a deadpan voice. "That's new." Ryu and the rest stood, Arigo and Bekali cursing profusely. Ryu staggered slightly. Arigo emitted a faint green light pulse. It washed over the fighters, restoring their strength for the upcoming fight. Ryu's eyes widened with fear, and he realized how little chance he stood against Kami. The other three also seemed to realize this, and they wordlessly drifted back to back.

The ground under the demigods shifted slightly before large vines as thick as trees sprouted out, flailing and wrapping. This plant was like ivy, but it moved as if it had a mind of its own.

"Oh hell no!" Bekali muttered. He slapped the ground and the earth shook. A fissure opened in the ground and a spray of seawater exploded upwards like a geyser. The demigod punched his hand at the vines and the water surged towards them. It flooded them, and the vines whipped about as if in pain. "Salt water is bad for plants."

Another set of plants sprang up and powered through the water, wrapping and squeezing the demigod of the seas.

"You forgot about Seaweed!" Ryu said as he tried to break the seaweed but got caught by the vines.

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