Chapter 8: Why Amelia is Feared And The Dangers Of The Underworld

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"Besides," Togaru threw over his shoulder, "She's the daughter of Mokali. She can probably kill a human being with the flick of a finger if she tried." The spirit twins chuckled, knowing what Spencer would have said about that. They grew silent again, as they realized Spencer was trapped in this hellish world, and possibly dead.

"Why did he send us back?" Furorem thought to his brother, and Fortitudo thought a moment,

"Maybe he wanted us to stay safe?" Furorem took issue with this,

"Bullshit, we're safest with him, and he's safest with us. Makes no sense." Gaudium replied,

"Than he had to do something that he didn't want us to see?" Furorem snorted,

"You read his mood as much as I did, he didn't have any guilt or fear. He wasn't going to do anything wrong." Fortitudo shrugged,

"We'll ask him when we find him."

"Agreed, and I'll have some choice words for him."

Ryu slowed so he was walking with the two Spirits he had a worried look of his face as he watched the others, fear and a longing to say something was in the boy's face.

"What is it, boy?" Furorem asked, starting a mental link. Now they could speak silently.

"It is just I know what will happen to us when we get through..." He said, fearful,

"And what might that be?" Fortitudo asked,

"Amogaru taking over Togaru... And we have no way of stopping it..." Fortitudo frowned,

"And we didn't simply leave him behind because...?" Furorem asked, annoyed.

"Can a mere mortal move a mountain? That is the same as stopping the future when a seer only sees one vision." Ryu replied. The twins laughed,

"My boy, are you familiar with the Great Sibylline books?" Fortitudo asked,

"No but the family that Mashia prophesied 3000 years before mother came, I trust the idea of seers."

"Yes, seers are effective." Gaudium responded, "But they are not perfect. Divination is not, and never has been an exact art."

"And," Furorem continued, "The Sibylline Books were written by the best human seers ever to walk this earth. No offence, but your blank visions do not match their powers, I have seen them myself. And their prophecies have been overruled before. No one can be sure of the future all the time."

"Then if you have seen my blank visions you should know unless something kills whatever is the enemy for it to change." Ryu thought as he looked up at the two spirits. Then he noticed Furorem anger.

"Hey, I have no problem killing that little bastard." The spirit of Power said.

"Easy brother. He's done no wrong." The spirit of Strength replied,

"Not yet, but I don't like the fact that Amogaru's blood courses through him. Can't trust him." Furorem asserted, and Ryu looked angry,

"He was hated by his own father and was even sealed by him. I only know this because he let me see his past. I could show you if you want." Ryu responded.

"We'll pass, maybe later. I personally believe he is innocent until proven otherwise. But I will be watching him." Fortitudo said,

"Would you still believe he is innocent if he was taken over by the one he loathes with an unending hatred?" Ryu asked as he looked up to Fortitudo with the look that meant so much more than what he is asking.

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