Chapter 32: Ready For War

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"You're hopeless!" Furorem said, appearing beside his brother with a look of mixed amusement and exasperation. "Anyway, Katherine." His voice sobered at once.

"She seemed lucid, her mind her own. That means he can't get in there... Or he's a sick fuck," Fortitudo winced at the word lightly, "who enjoys causing other people pain and horror. I'm hoping the former, but guessing the latter. Tomala, who we did indeed see as well, was totally mind washed. She was like... a slutty overly attached psycho teenager, which was terrifying to see, honestly."

"Brother!" Fortitudo gasped, "You go too far!" Furorem growled and muttered something along the lines of, "every detail matters."

"So she was a yandere? Doesn't sound off from how she was normally with me and my sister." Katherine brooded. Furorem shook his head.

"It was unsettling." Furorem agreed, then continued. "Another detail. Tomala's armor was all scratched up. And Amogaru mentioned some sort of Earthly resistance. Pair those together, and I'd say Earth seems to be putting up a fight, though I can't fathom how." Fortitudo cleared his throat.

"Sanguis Cordis?" He said, and Furorem gained a thoughtful pose. Very entertaining considering his outfit.

"Or anti aircraft and tank missiles. That could deter them for a little while." Katherine suggested. Furorem waved that away.

"Too big. Easily taken down. Besides, they weren't scorch marks. They were scratches and holes. No, I think Sanguis is more likely." He said, shaking his head.

"Hate to jump into this, but who?" Mokali said as she was behind Katherine who jumped and almost Gaster Blasted her own mother. She spoke some Italian and Mokali gave the girl a disapproving look.

"You can't blame me!" Katherine said as she tried to calm down. Mokali nodded and then looked to the spirits.

"Sanguis Cordis." Furorem started, in a voice that contained, not just respect but almost awe. "His name meaning Blood Heart. He is the spirit of Human Bloodlust. Not like me, I am simply Hatred and Power. He represents the fury of a man pushed to the edge, the rage of someone who has nothing to lose, the feeling that humans get when they cannot simply allow other beings to share the same air. He is their rage and fury solidified. And," Furorem took a breath. "He is far and away the most powerful and dangerous spirit. He can take many hosts simultaneously, although the more hosts he has, the more diluted the effect. But my guess is that he's giving a small morale and physical boost to all of the Earth's military forces. Or maybe a massive boost to some. Or he's selected one host to hold the line. He is... unpredictable."

Katherine again spoke some Italian and Mokali looked at her.

"You said a firm grasp of the English language, I have a firm grasp of Italian." The girl said and then looked away. Mokali sighed then looked back to Furorem.

"And if we stop the fight between the gods and the humans, he might try something?" The goddess asked.

Fortitudo shook his head,

"He's likely in the fight due to the threat to the entire human race. He, and every spirit, rely on humans and their emotions to survive. And with Amogaru in control of the gods and the Order of the Scales disbanded, it's unlikely that that the humans will survive without Sanguis Cordis. He grows stronger the more angry and desperate human beings are."

"He's likely very powerful now." Furorem added on.

"Hmm. Okay, I'm going now." Mokali said and disappeared. Katherine groaned and muttered under her breath.

"So che mi ucciderà con la paura da sola." She rolled her eyes.

"Hardly. Sanguis Cordis, while not a good or great man, is fighting on our side." Fortitudo replied. "He's likely the only reason that Humanity is still alive."

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