Chapter 23: Nairo Sees Arachne Again

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When Arachne woke up, the sun was just rising in the east. She looked up at the sky from her little nest, seeing the sky being a streaked dark blue. She yawned and sat up. She stretched her arms and rolled her head. She stood and leapt from her nest. She landed on the ground and reached up to roll up her bedding. Then she bit into it, relishing the silky texture of the webbing. It had no real taste, but it was like cotton candy as it dissolved in her mouth. Not a bad breakfast. She dusted herself off and started on her way towards the Boar's Hat. Now was the time to start preparation to bring down Amogaru.

Mokali was resting with Nairo, and Kami sleeping on her. Sarah and Katherine were up, the fangirl twin talking with the sins and the other making food. Ryu was up as well and in a corner. Mia was sitting in her father's lap as he snoozed.

Nairo stirred from his sleep and for a moment thought he was blind. All he could see was the brown fur of Mokali's belly. He chuckled inwardly at himself and started on his way up. Nairo yawned as he looked around. He noticed the nearby tavern and started towards it.

Arigo waited at the door, he was wondering when Arachne was coming back or if he had to go looking for her. He noticed Nairo and stiffened when he saw the blood.

"Who might you be?" His voice held tension but no hostility.

"I might ask the same." Nairo said but Arigo glared and towered over the boy.

"I asked first."

Nairo grinned and conceded the point.

"I'm Nairo. I'm new here." He said simply, "You?"

"Arigo, first son of Tokali." Nairo whistled, serious business.

"Nairo?" Came a voice. Katherine was before him in an instant, "What're you doing here?" She asked, holding a frying pan that still held a frying egg.

"Your mom." Nairo answered,

"Excuse me?"

"She invited me here."


"Because I can fight now. I'm a godslayer."

Arigo looked scared and Katherine shocked.

"Did I hear that right?" Sarah asked as she came over, looking pissed. As soon as she saw the golden blood she had a dark look.

"Oh, who did you murder to become a murderer?" The girl asked in a dark, sarcastic tone.

"A mercy kill. Beluyi. The gods are loose on earth. I struck her down on her request. They're puppets to Amogaru." Nairo explained, his smile draining from his face, anger replacing it. He pushed past them into the tavern.

"Dammit, Amelia!" Katherine shouted towards the stairway. Amelia ran downstairs, looking around wildly with her whip in hand.

"She is hurting..." Libidine whispered cryptically to Nairo.

"Where is the proble- Oh hi newbie." The female godslayer said as she noticed Nairo and the blood but didn't seem to care.

"He is a godslayer now. And the gods are invading earth! You lied!" The now angry Katherine growled out as her eyes started to take a glow to them. The older female backed away with her hands up.

"Hey, I didn't know he would gain control that quickly. You can't blame me when I never fought the guy until yesterday." Amelia said trying to defend herself.

"Will you two chill?" Nairo asked, finding he had no patience for their bickering. "Honestly, you two are worrying about a crack in the floor when the entire mountain is about to come down on top of us!"

AfterDuo: Children's taleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz