Chapter 27: Mokali Get The Spirit Twins back

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Nairo also decided to leave, wincing as he walked away.

"Well, that could have gone better." Libidine noted, dryly.

"Well excuse me for being stomped. I didn't expect that." Nairo responded, slightly annoyed. "Why didn't you help me? I could have used the strength and speed boost."

"Nairo, you are new to being a spirit bearer. If I were to have dumped the needed strength into your muscles, they would have been ripped apart. Your body can't take all that at once. I started adding strength as fast as was safe, but it was over before you could use it."

"Fair enough, I prefer not being ripped apart."

"And I prefer you not ripped apart, Nairo."

"Are you following me?" Mokali asked as she had a little trouble holding Mia who took to clawing and biting the goddess. Mokali didn't seem to mind at all as she walked into the forest.

"No, just happen to move the same way. But, you're good company." Nairo grinned, wincing lightly. "Mia, please calm down. Mokali is just trying to help you not make a horrible mistake."

"If I may, I think I can help her." Libidine offered, knowing she'd likely be rejected.

Mokali eyed Nairo for a moment and sighed.

"Fine, I know we need to trust one another. But don't blame me if she doesn't trust your human, Libidine." The goddess said as she looked away.

"She doesn't need to trust him," She said, materializing in front of Mia. She wore not her usual red dress and heels, but this time opted for a simple white sundress.She spoke in a soft and caring voice. "Calm thyself, child. You needn't struggle. These are not bands of oppression holding you, but the hands of love. What you were planning to do to your father, while understandable, is inappropriate. It would merely isolate you further from your mother and father, and them further from one another. You needn't defend your mother, as noble as it is to try. Your mother can help herself and hold her own. She is a goddess. Now, please close your eyes. I have a little something to show you in your mind." As the spiritess had spoken, Mia's struggles gradually had slowed and stopped, now watching Libidine intently.

"What is it?" Mia asked, out loud in a voice full of curiosity and just a hint of anger left. Libidine smiled lightly, and asked,

"May I touch your head?" Mia nodded and Libidine reached out her hand to touch the frightened demigod's brow.

Mia opened her eyes to see that she was back in Retla's room, although this time Retla was gone. In his place was Libidine, sitting on his bed with Mia in her lap. Mia was also in her humanoid form, and Libidine was stroking her hair. Mia relaxed and let Libidine run her fingers through her white locks. A few seconds of this, and Mia was purring lightly.

"Mia, I know you have a little secret." Mia's purring stopped, and she opened her eyes. "I'm sure you can guess what I mean."

"I don't know what you're saying?" The demigod protested. Libidine shook her head, chuckling lightly.

"Dear, you needn't lie to me. Nobody can hear you here. Well, I should rephrase that. Mokali could if she tried, but she's being very polite and trusting right now. So, it's just me and you here. And I know what's been eating you. You have a little crush, now don't you."

Mia said nothing, blushing lightly. Libidine made a tsk tsk sound, and shook her head a little.

"Poor thing, you like Retla, don't you?" Mia tried to lie, but ended up nodding, her face all red. "Aww, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Retla is a good person, and he's a very handsome boy." Poor Mia looked ready to faint. She was making a little squealing noise in her chest. "Need to say something, Mia?"

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