Chapter 6: A new Friend? A Cat Named Kami Appears

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Togaru heard the scream and next he was in Arachne's room, Katarr ready until he saw the two.

"Damn it! What are are you two doing here? Do you you even know the trouble you could have caused with doing this stupid trick?!" The demigod scolded as he continued to say similar things as his weapon disappeared with a glowing light.

"Hey, we didn't tell her to scream!" Furorem shot back, as Fortitudo rapidly explained what the hell was going on. "Besides, Tokali told us to bring her back here, and so we did. So how about a nice cup of fuck off, kiddo?"

"You fuck off!!" Togaru growled as he snarled at two. "Mokali told me to watch them so I am trying to go my job, dipshit!"

"We have this under control, Togaru." Fortitudo said, much less aggressively while simultaneously cuffing his brother on his right ear. "We served her father for decades, we will make sure nothing happens tonight. Is that satisfactory?"

"You know I can hear you. But are two spirits that had to be revived by a goddess that almost died in the squabble with my father really ready to protect the child of their old master? I feel like the son that was raised like Tomala is better suited for a simple bodyguard duty." Togaru said as he noticed outside on the roof of the twins house was a black wolf with red eyes. It was massive, it wasn't alone. A silver wolf even larger than the black wolf sat next to the first, staring back at the demigod with blue eyes. Then the brown wolf that Tokali saw ramming both new wolves into a portal like the ones the gods would use. He could clearly hear from this brown and yellow wolf.

"Not now you hounds!" and Togaru looked at this in confusion.

"Yeah, we're more suited for being useful to heroes instead of hiding from the War like a coward. Tell me, why did we die last time?" Furorem threw back, paused to pretend to think, scratching his chin, then his eyes lit up with mock revelation, "Oh right, we killed the Lord of God Slayers after creating the greatest warrior the human race has ever seen, or will likely ever see. Top that, God Prince. Oh right, you're not even that since your bastard of a father was overthrown by a teenaged girl with wings. So top that then, Prince of an Empty Throne!"

"For your information. Lady Mokali has said I may not be of her blood, but I am still a son of hers. And I was sealed for the longest time for use when he found I fell in love with a mortal." The demigod pulled down the front part of his kimono, showing what almost looked like fresh gashes of rusted and sharp chains cutting across the man's chest.

"I broke through one of the strongest sealing spell by my little lonesome. Oh and I know you didn't even kill Beirland, just pissed him off." the not so happy son of the ruler of all growled out and the others heard a female voice say from the window.

"Go Kami!" And a portal opened with a large gray tabby cat caught itself on the demigod's shoulders. It moved away and landed on its hind legs.

Arachne stood up abruptly, overwhelmed by all the crazy stuff going on.

"Everyone out! Cats, Demigods, everyone out!" She shouted, and started throwing wrenches, pillows, and anything else in arm's reach. Togaru caught the screwdriver thrown at him and sighed,

"Calm down." He then turned to the cat, confused, "Who are you?" He asked, to which the cat answered. Because of course the cat talked.

"The name is Kami, but I don't know why I'm here... Most likely Kate..."

"What is with your waist? Are you male?" Togaru asked as Kami laughed and scratches the back of his head.

"I get that a lot. Yeah. I am male, and this is something all Long Tail males have, I am just more like what a female would look like." The almost 7 foot tall cat said with a the cute kitty smile.

"Longtail? Like as in the Long tailed cat demons?" Togaru asked in surprise as Kami opened his baby blue eyes and nodded. It was a second before Togaru turned and was facing the wall and walking in between the twin spirits. He gave both a hard smack to the back and laughed lightly.

"You can watch this one." the demigod chuckled and left out of thin air.

"Ominous..." Fortitudo muttered, scratching his chin. Furorem was breathing heavy, fists shaking. "Brother?"

"That stuck-up, arrogant, princeling of nothing!" He whispered venomously, "The Bastard knows not of what he speaks!" Fortitudo nodded, and patted his brother on the back.

"Knows nothing of what he speaks... Yeah, sounds like me when I try to understand anything beyond plant control." Kami said as he tilted his head and sighed and looked at Arachne.

"Hey, sorry I came around without any warning... I am more considerate when it comes to meeting new people." The tall tabby cat said in a rich and beautiful tenor voice that had a soft hint of huskiness to it.

Arachne blinked, on the verge of collapse. She just wanted to sleep, her brain hurt and her body was sore from portal jumping.

"Nice to meet you, Kami." Arachne said, mustering a smile with great effort. "Now, I hate to be the buzz kill, but I'm tired and I'd love it if you could all leave my room so I can sleep."

"Ah... Yes, of course. I bid you a farewell." Kami said as he too seemed to disappear out of nowhere and Sarah herself as well as her sister were dead asleep.

The spirit of Strength bowed and left, followed by his twin. The two vanished into light as soon as they left the room, keeping tabs on their new host. One watched the entire house, the other watched the room itself. Between the two, all threats would be seen. 

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