Chapter 26: The Truth Behind Mogasi

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Amelia laboured to create the makeshift forge outside. She had taken off her rose gold armor and sweat rolled down her bare arms as she lifted bricks to make the oven. Bekali was busy filling a barrel full of brine to temper the steel. Nairo was busy making the bricks with the twins. The three worked side by side, a determined scowl on their faces. As soon as they finished shaping a brick, Mia would take it and add it to the pile that Aroara was firing into shape. Meanwhile, Degasi was concentrating and trying to grow the plant named after himself. It was easy for him to create entire forests of various trees, but concentrating on making just one kind of plant was difficult. Still, his efforts had yielded dozens of them.

Kami returned, having gone out to gather more clay for bricks. He looked like a dusty, feline version of Santa Claus with his giant sack of clay. Or rather, Santa Claws. He sat himself down by the brickmakers and got to work.

Mokali landed near them as Ra stayed in the sky for an odd reason. The goddess watched before noticing the sins watching as well.

"Need some help?" the female questioned as she looked to Amelia, who just waved her off.

"Don't need it, don't want it. Relax." the female godslayer said casually. Mokali shrugged and went to the sins so she could join them in relaxing.

Retla leapt down from the goddess' back. He strode silently to the forge that Amelia was creating and examined it.

"We're going to need sand and ash. Otherwise, this is going to be an oven, not a forge." Amelia cocked an eyebrow and the boy,

"And you know that how, exactly?" He coughed and shook his head.

"I have read how to make a forge. I forged this dagger." He pulled his usual silver dagger from his boot. He started drawing in the dirt a detailed plan for a forge. "Try this."

"So we need sand? Jeez, I feel like a pack mule." Kami muttered before Mokali got up and tapped the makeshift forge, turning it into a workable forge.

"I said we don't need your help!" Amelia snarled and Mokali looked back to the godslayer.

"I want to help, even if I die to make sure the bastard dies for good." the ruler goddess says and settles down near the forge.

Retla rolled his eyes and scuffed his plan out of existence. He cleaned his dagger and put it back in his boot. The demigod approached Degasi. The man was sweating and his face was red.

"I think we have enough here for our purposes. Relax." Degasi nodded and sat down. Retla waved Nairo and the twins over to help him collect the godslayer plants.

Kami followed the three as a large amount of the plant peeked out of the collar around his neck. The demon cat was a lot quicker in gathering all the plant.

"I will get started on the ropes. Amelia told me the incantations I have to use with this." The blue eyed cat said before walking off with the supply. Mokali yawned quietly before resting her head in her eagle paws, this making Amelia glare lightly.

"Want to start the fire for us too if your wanting to be a big help?" The female godslayer asked and the forge now had golden flames.

"Fuck you and your god's fire!" The red hair woman growled while she pointed to the mildly confused Mokali.

"Quit your bellyaching, Amelia. This is not a matter of pride. The sooner we're out of here, the less people die." Kami said, carrying an armful of the godslayer plants. "Help us find some metal to make the alloy."

Amelia growled before walking off and looking for the metal needed. Mokali watched and sighed, looking sad.

"She is just angry with me because of her mother." The goddess said softly, resting her head back down.

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