Chapter 17: Meeting The Knights Known As The Seven Deadly Sins

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Retla wore his coat as a cloak, since he was so much smaller than his. He looked a bit ridiculous, but no one noticed.

"We don't have a plan, do we?" Arachne sighed. Amelia shook her head. The spider girl shook her head.

"First things first. We need a place to regroup. Is there anyone who we can ask for help?" Mia raised a tentative hand.

"I might know someone... But he would only help because I asked him..."

Degasi looked to Mia as she looked a little unsure.

"Who is this person?" Asked the demigod of the forests.

"My papa." Mia replied and Retla looked over.

"You mean Ban the undead?" The youngest asked and the demigod of speed nodded as she played with one of her ponytails.

"I haven't seen him in a year, and even if he isn't willing I think uncle Melly and uncle King would want to help." Sarah paused as she realised where she heard some of those names before.

"You mean the seven deadly sins. Ban the fox sin, King the Grizzly sin and Meliodas the dragon sin?" The monster shifter asked and Mia looked surprised.


"They sound like anime characters..." Arachne muttered, offhand. Katherine coughed,

"Because they are here. Must be a parallel universe that Mogasi found." Sarah frowned.

"Wait, I watched that show. Isn't Ban hopelessly in love with someone else?" She asked.

"You mean Elaine?" Mia asked, "Mama met papa before Elaine. He does love the fairy. But he still wants to take care of me, even if Uncle Melly and the others do a better job." Arachne sighed. Does everyone have severe daddy issues?

Mia looked up with a smile.

"Even if Papa loves Elaine she still is super nice and Papa still does his best to show his love, and I still love him." The little girl sounded so happy and a panting was heard behind them. Kami turned with one of his Kunai and saw Mogasi with the still unconscious Mokali.

"We need to leave. Now!" Mogasi said as she moved quicker than anyone could keep up with and the group was in a field that Mia perked up at the sight.

"It's Liones!" She squeaked. But then turned when she heard a thud as her mother collapsed painting with a nasty injury on her back.

"She's back." Libidine whispered to Nairo's sleeping mind. He bolted upright and threw himself out of bed. He ran to his closet and threw on a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and his silver jacket. He left the house, putting a note on the counter for his parents. He popped his neck, breathing in the cold night air.

"Where is she?" He asked his spirit, and she appeared before him. She turned towards the south, and pointed. Nairo nodded, and Libidine disappeared back into his mind. Nairo set off at a run south, still not used to how fast and easily he could do so.

"At this rate, we'll be in San Francisco in no time." Libidine said, cheerfully. Nairo grinned, he also was ready to see Arachne and show her what he could do.

Mia went to her mother and looked at the at the injury. She then knew she needed to find her father, right now. Mia, like the other Demigods, noticed some noise not to far off. The demigod of speed bolted and made it up a tree near where she heard the noise and saw who she needed. The seven deadly sins, or who had been gathered which was four was there.

"I wonder how Mia is." Meliodas said as he had looked to the sky.

"Well, she and some of her friends need help." Kami's voice said right next to the little girl making her squeal and almost fall out of the tree if Kami didn't catch her.

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