Chapter 1: Busy Hunting

Start from the beginning

Slowly I turn the corner and walk down the alley and see that the guy is talking to some guards. I put my hood on and keep my head down as I walk past them. "You there stop" one of the guards said to me "its best if you don't resist us" another guard said. I stop walking "don't worry gentlemen, I wouldn't think of doing that" I say to the guards. I turn around and see four guards and the guy from bar making it five targets all together. "You know it's illegal for citizens to be carrying weapons on their person" a large guard said to me.

"Especially firearms like that iron your packing and those two rifles" a fat guard said looking at my weapons. "I assure you gentlemen that these weapons are specifically for hunting only" I said to the guards with a fake nervous smile. "And what would you be hunting with a hand cannon?" A tan guard asked me. "You could say that the prey I hunt is a bit on the more dangerous side" I answered. "Either way you are going to be giving us those weapons and come with us" a shorter guard said.

"I'm afraid I can't do that gentlemen there's something that I need to take care of" I replied to the shorter guard. "That's a damn shame then bounty hunter" the fat guard said getting in my face. I acted surprised so I could fool them "didn't know that we knew that did ya?" The shorter guard asked laughing. "Lights out" the fat guard said throwing a punch at my face. Before the fat bastard could punch me I grabbed his wrist then broke his hand causing the lard ass to fall to the ground crying in pain.

I got into a fighting stance and stood there waiting for them to come at me. "Don't just stand there, KILL HIM!!!" The large guard yelled to his two other guards. The shorter guard ran at me with a sword ready to kill me, I quickly reached to my back and grabbed the handle of my knife. When the shorter guard swung his sword at me I unsheathed my knife and blocked his swing. Before he could try that again my prothsteic arm unfolded and my smaller blade folded out. Quickly I stabbed him in the leg with my prothsteic blade causing him to fall to the ground.

As the shorter guard fell to the ground I stabbed him in the head with my knife killing him instantly. Very quickly I pulled my knife out of the dead guard's head and flicked the blood off of it before sheathing it. "That arm" the tan guard said pointing at my fake limb "it can't be him" the rat said. "The spirit of the sands, the lone gunman" the large guard said. "Well still kill him before he kills me" the rat said in a panic. "Yeah yeah we'll kill him" the large guard replied to the rat. "Jugo, you first" the tall guard said to the tan guard. "What why me?" The tan guard asked "because I outrank you and I don't want to die first" the tall guard answered.

"Fine, whatever asshole" the tan guard said readying his spear. The tan guard slowly approached me with his spear aimed at me. "Your going to die to day bounty hunter" the tan guard said thrusting his spear at me. I quickly side stepped avoiding the spear, as he pulled it back I elbowed the shaft and broke the spear. "That was my favorite spear" the tan guard said in disappointment. Before he could do anything I slit his throat with my arm blade. "You won't be needing a spear where your going" I whispered as the tan guard's body fell to the ground.

The large guard backed away slowly seeing another one of his allies get killed in front of him. "Well are you going to kill him or not?" The rat asked the large guard nervously. The large guard didn't answer he just stuttered before running away pushing the rat out of the way. I slowly pulled a throwing knife off of my belt and threw it at the large guard. The knife hit him the back and killed him instantly "I should of let him get a bit farther" I say to myself.

I hear a gasp behind me and turn around to see the fat guard holding his hand. "Boo" I said causing the fat guard to run away, as he ran he tripped on air and fell to the ground. I slowly walked over to the fat guard causing the fat coward to crawl along the ground. As I got closer to him I kicked my right heel on the ground twice causing a small blade to shoot out of the toe of my shoe. As the fat guard slowly tried to get up I kicked him in the leg with my boot blade causing him to fall to the ground screaming in pain.

The fat guard grabbed his leg where my blade pierced his leg. "Please let me live" the fat guard begged I stopped and stood there. "You've raped 3 women and killed 5 men" I said " did you know that?" The fat guard asked. I took a rolled up piece of paper out my pocket and unrolled it. It was a wanted poster and on it was the face of the fat guard and the other 3 dead guards. The fat guard grew silent "didn't think you'd see this again?" I asked. As the guard tried to answer I kicked him in his jaw stabbing the blade into his skull killing him instantly.

I turned around to deal with the rat last, luckily he was still standing there watching everything going on. "So how is this going to go" I ask as my blade goes back into my boot. The rat does answer my question instead he turns and runs. "Why do they always run?" I ask myself as the rat continues to run away from me. I slowly reach down to my leg and take out my tomahawk and ready it. I wait for the rat to get a bit farther so it can be a challenge for me. Just as the rat is about to exit the alley I throw my tomahawk at him. Like I expected my tomahawk hit the rat in the back of his head causing him to drop instantly.

I walked over to the rat's body passing by the large guard, I bend over and take out my throwing knife out of his back. I then walk over to the dead rat and take my tomahawk out of his head. I look at the tomahawk "thank you Red Eagle" I say to the tomahawk as I put it back in its sheath. With that I collect items from the dead guards and head out to collect one of my bounties.

Time Skip

Capitol Rooftops

It was late and I had just collected my bounty for the four dead assholes, luckily no one saw me off them which meant that my identity was still hidden to the government. While they are okay with bounty hunters they don't like it when “assassins” kill their rich and elite. I didn't like being called an assassin because it wasn't an honest profession. I'd only ever killed their rich and elite when someone made a bounty for them or in cases like these, they were evil and deserved it.

Right now I was prowling along the rooftops looking for people sleeping on the streets. The reason why was that this family's daughter picked up people from the countryside. Usually people who come here from the countryside are either broke, foolish, naive or predictable. Sometimes they can be all four of those things and more. I had managed to find one of those people walking around the Capitol. I could smell the countryside coming off of him, that meant he would be perfect bait to use.

I followed this kid all throughout the city, I watched him get rejected by the army and I watched him get scammed by this blonde bimbo. Seeing the poor kid's luck kind of made me feel bad for using him like this. Eventually it got dark and the kid was sleeping on the sidewalk but at least he was learning a valuable lesson about the Capital. You can't trust anyone, everyone here has a dark secret and they aren't all saints. My first day here and a poor kid tried to rob me and let's not talk about the truly undesirables.

With the kid on the streets my bait was set, now all that I had to do was wait. Thankfully I didn't have to wait very long, right on que a carriage drove past the kid then stopped. Out came a young girl with blonde hair, she matched the description of one of my targets. She walked up to the kid and offered to give him a place to stay for the night. The kid was apprehensive at first which might ruin my plan but eventually he got into the carriage with the girl. "Hook line and sinker" I say to myself as I jump down from the rooftops as the carriage drives away. Now all I needed to do was to follow that carriage and gather some more information.

A/N: Alright readers here is the first official chapter of the Lone Gunman and I am sure you can see what I am setting up for the next chapter. I hope you all enjoyed this second taste of combat and are ready for what is going to happen in the next chapter. As for right now I still haven't decided if I am going to have a love interest this story. I will say that I am going to be keeping Y/N on a bit of the neutral side. But if you readers want to see Y/N pick a side you let me know and if enough you agree I will make that happen. Now as usual I am always answering any questions you may have about the story or anything else in general. If there is a question that you want answered either message me or comment on a chapter with your question. I will do my best to answer your question to the best of my ability. As usual the feedback helps me make sure that the next chapter is better then the last one. As always thank you for reading and I will see you later

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