Chapter 11: Never Forget

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Night Raid Hideout

Y/N had returned to the Night Raid hideout after almost dying to Seryu and Kuro. When Y/N was introduced to the leader of Night Raid, something inside of him snapped. He went to attack her out of nowhere as soon as he saw her face and heard her voice. The members of Night Raid were taken off guard by Y/N's actions. Thankfully they acted quickly and were able to hold Y/N back from killing their leader.

"Let me go now, I need to kill her for what she's done" I tell the people grabbing onto me. "If you don't back down now, we will kill you" Akame tells me putting her sword to my jugular. "No, she needs to die" I say trying to break free from their grip. "Listen hotstuff, don't do this in front of the girl" the blonde haired girl tells me. I look over at Mika who is scared and didn't know what was going on.

Before she could summon one of her friends and make things worse, I decided to stop fighting. Once I stopped I was let go but they were keeping their guards up. Before they can do anything I take out my revolver and fire a shot at that bitch. The bullet doesn't hit her but it does graze her cheek, creating some blood. As the members of Night Raid go to kill me they were stopped by their leader. "Enough, all of you stop, he isn't going to kill me" she tells them.

"But boss" a guy with a green jacket says "he almost killed you" Mine says. "If he was going to kill me he wouldn't of grazed my cheek" she tells them. "Are you sure I didn't just miss?" I ask cocking the hammer on my revolver back. "Because I know your skill and you aren't one to miss an easy shot" she answers. "So you remember me?" I ask with venom in my voice "unfortunately I do" she answers.

"Boss what is going on here?" The guy with pompador asks "this man here is someone from my past, a past that I would like to forget" she answers. "You know this guy?" Tatsumi asked "yeah she does, her and her Empire buddies raided my homelands and killed my friends and family mercilessly" I answer. Everyone was shocked to hear me say that "boss" the blonde hair girl says.

"What he says is true, when I was a general in the Empire's army, I was apart of the group that raided the western lands and killed many who got in our way and tried to stop us" she tells them. "What else did you do?" I ask as my anger starts to overflow. "I raided his village and killed just about everyone there, I caught him and handed him over to the Empire" she answers.

"Your boss is a ruthless and evil person who deserves death" I tell everyone there. "Regardless of her past, our boss Najenda is fighting for the freedom of the people of the Empire" the guy with pompador tells me. "I don't care about that, I may also hate the Empire but she is the start of all my problems" I reply showing them my prothsteic arm.

"I am sorry for what she did to you and there is no way I can ever make it up to you" Najenda tells me. "I need blood, yours then hers" I reply "and you will get that blood but not now" Najenda says. Suddenly I feel someone grab onto my leg, I turn around and see Mika. Seeing her face I let out a sigh, you didn't kill my mother and father and you didn't torture me for years, my anger isn't directed towards you, you were just a puppet but now you've cut your strings" I say.

"Great, now let's get things back to a calm environment" the girl with the blonde hair says trying to change the subject. "Leone is right, now thank you for saving Mine" Najenda says to me. "Sorry that I was unable to save the other girl, Sheele" I reply. "Her death was unfortunate and will effect us but she understood what she was fighting for" Najenda says.

"Now with that over and done with, I will be taking my leave" I say walking away. "Wait, don't leave, with one of our members dead we could use your help along with the young one" Najenda says to me. "I don't think you know this but I already don't like you and I am doing my best to hold my anger back also Mika will not be used as an assassin's weapon" I reply. "I understand and I won't force you to stay but for now, I would advise you stay until the heat in the Capitol cools down" Najenda says.

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