Chapter 4: Head Hunting

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Outside Hidden Lab: Northern Forest

Standing outside of a large metalic door that was connected to the entrance of a cave was these two large heavily armored guards. By the looks of them they appeared to be hired mercenaries not simple bandits. "So how long are we going to be standing out here?" A guard asked the other. "How the hell am I supposed to know that? All I know is that we are going to stand here until someone switches with us" the other guard answered irritated. "They don't tell us anything do they?" The first guard asked looking up at the sky.

"They aren't supposed to tell us anything, all they need to tell us is what to do and how much they are going to pay us" the other guard answered. "But why kids though, I'm a bad guy but I'm not a monster?" The first guard asked. "You ask too many questions for a merc, so you should shut your mouth and stand guard, besides the doc is doing experiments with the kids, something about imperial arms and whatnot" the second guard answered. "The Empire would pay top dollar for imperial arms" the second guard said. "They'd also pay for the doc's head" the first guard replied with a smirk.

Suddenly out of nowhere birds begin to fly through the trees and into the sky as if they were scared by something. The second guard looks over and sees that the first guard is down on the ground. "What the hell dude, get up" the second guard says kicking the first guard. Upon flipping the first guard over the second guard sees a hole in the head of the first guard and a blood splatter on the metallic door. "Fuck!!!" The second guard says struggling to pull out his sword.

Suddenly a shot rings out through the woods and the second guard falls over dead with a hole in his head. In the bushes off in the distance we see the barrel of a rifle that has smoke coming from it. That rifle belongs to Y/N, he comes out the bushes he is hiding in and blows the smoke away from the end of his gun barrel. "Gotcha you bastards" Y/N says to himself as he reloads the rifle. Walking towards the metallic doors Y/N makes sure that all of his guns are loaded and he is ready for anything that might be down in that lab.

Inside Hidden Lab: Northern Woods

I had finally managed to track down the location of this hidden lab. It didn't take me long to find the footprints of a large group of people and follow them here. Sister Layla said that the men who attacked the orphanage were bandits but these men here were mercenaries, heavily armed and possibly well trained and paid mercenaries.

Hopefully my training was better and my equipment would be able to do the trick. I swore that if I saw any children that were hurt or worse, I was going to lose my shit and go into a rage. I pushed open the metallic doors and began to walk down these steps that lead down into the cave system. The walls were smoothed stone and the floor was metal plates welded together.

The lights were dim which was good for me because I had a feeling that I wasn't going to be able to rush into things. If they spotted me who knows what they'll do to those kids. For now I was going to keep my presence hidden and noise down to a minimum. I snuck along the walls of the corridors keeping out of sight. So far I hadn't ran into any more mercenaries and I hadn't found any kidnapped children.

As I went to turn down a hall, I overheard two mercenaries walking to where I was hidden. I leaned up against the wall and waited for the two to turn the corner. I took out my tomahawk and unfolded my arm blade. As the two mercenaries were talking to each other and turned the corner, I jumped out and chopped into one mercenary's. With the other mercenary, I rammed my arm blade into his chest, I stabbed him in the heart. Both died instantly as I took my weapons out of their bodies.

After that I continued down the hall, cutting down any mercenaries who got in my way. Eventually I came across a mercenary standing in front of a door. It looked as though he was guarding the room, that meant that the children could be in that room. I slowly creep down the hall so the merc wouldn't hear me or see me coming. Once I got into a good enough position I took out a throwing knife. I made a whistling sound to get the attention of the mercenary. Once he looked over at me I threw my throwing knife at him and got him in the head, killing him instantly.

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