Green Arrow and the Canaries

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"Mia! You can't stay in that room forever!" Laurel yelled up the stairs.

"WATCH ME," she yelled back. Mia had been in there for days, refusing to talk to anyone. Or at least she had until an hour earlier. Dinah sat on the sofa with a wine glass in hand watching Laurel pace back and forth.

"You're going to wear the carpet out eventually, you know."

"Well what am I supposed to do?" Laurel huffed. "It's not like I can force her to talk to me!"

"I know, you already blew your chance at talking."

"Hey! I wasn't trying to hurt her feelings, it just came out."

"Laurel," Dinah said with a sigh. "Her boyfriend cheated on her. She's heartbroken. And you literally told her to suck it up and get over it."

"D, I have a little experience with being cheated on. Instead of wondering why, you have to just accept that it happened. And guess who I learned that from?"

"Okay do not play that card. And technically it wasn't her father so-" Dinah was interrupted by the ping of both their phones going off.

"That's never good," Laurel muttered, reaching for hers.

"Robbery downtown, jewelry store," Dinah read. "They were having a fundraiser for the local hospital, sounds like something the police can handle." She was reaching towards her wine glass again when suddenly Mia came shuffling down the stairs.

"Nope," said Mia, also looking at her phone. "Three metas. Cops will be in over their heads."

"Oh look, she lives," muttered Laurel.

"Laur, play nice," Dinah snapped. "We gotta go. Suit up."

By the time the three made it downtown a crowd was already forming, their eyes all drawn towards the violence happening just outside of a jewelry store. Three men in trench coats and hats pulled down over their eyes stood face to face with the police, storms of bullets being fired both ways. And yet somehow every shot seemed to go straight past the thieves. With multiple officers already down, there was little hope for the police.

"FALL BACK," the captain yelled. As the officers turned to make their escape, two more men in trenchcoats emerged from the store and all five began shooting. Just before the sea of bullets could reach the officers, Laurel emerged and let out a piercing scream, the sound waves creating a thick wall between them and the fired bullets. The thieves seemed to be taken aback, almost staggering for a moment, before returning to normal. A scream like that rarely left anyone standing.

Laurel felt an arm grab her and pull her back. "Did you see that?" Dinah whispered in her ear. "It's like everything just goes through them."

"Because it does," said Mia. "Look at his neck." They followed Mia's gaze, their eyes falling on a small pear shaped mark just below one of the men's chins.

"Wait a second," said Dinah. "They all have it." It was true, every man had the exact same birthmark in just the same spot.

"What are the odds they all were born with that?" Laurel added.

"Exactly," Mia said quickly. "They're copies, like holograms. Whoever's behind this can replicate himself."

"So where's the OG?"

"Let's find out." Mia reached back into her quiver, producing a thick, glowing red arrow. "Got this from a friend of mine, it tracks thermal heat signatures. Whoever's really in there, it'll find him." Mia drew back the bow, gracefully letting go and watching it arch perfectly through the sky and into the jewelry store. "Come on!"

The three ran through the door one after another, following the loud *pop* of the arrow igniting upon finding it's target. They were led into a dark hallway, where a shadowy figure was making a run for the exit.

"STOP," Dinah yelled. She let out a piercing scream, knocking the figure down to the ground. He jumped back up to his feet and scrambled towards the exit, where Mia was already waiting for him.

"You have failed this city," she cried, before firing another arrow. Nets exploded from the tip, engulfing the man and weighing him down.

"Now," said Laurel. "Will the real slim shady please stand up?" She removed his hat in one swift motion, revealing a pale, scrawny man with a faint mustache. "Huh. Not so scary now are ya?"

Ten minutes later, police had handcuffed the man and whisked him away in a squad car. The duplicates disappeared the moment he was taken down. The scene had calmed down and the crowds had dispersed, all except for one young woman with short brown hair and elf-like features. Mia, quickly noticing her, took a step towards the woman.

"Is everything alright?" She asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm good. Just observing I guess," the girl said with a shrug. "I heard what you said, 'you have failed this city.' That's really a throwback, huh?"

"Yeah," Mia laughed. "I learned from the best."

"Well, we all have our idols."

Mia studied the girl, something just seemed different about her but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"What's your name?" She finally asked.

"Nora," the girl replied with a smile.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Nora."

I have to say this one was fun to write... comment what you think about it :)

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