Barry and Iris - Pregnant

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"Babe?" Iris called. "Almost ready?"

"Just a second!" Barry called back. It was Christmas Eve and the couple was getting ready to go over to Joe and Cecile's to celebrate with everyone. But first they had agreed to open each other's presents and spend some time together just the two of them. Iris was already dressed in a deep red, velvet dress with flowing sleeves that swayed when she walked and lipstick that matched. Barry on the other hand, despite having super speed, was still struggling to get his tie tied correctly and messily wrapping gifts at the last second. Little did he know that Iris had been planning for this moment all day.

When Barry finally emerged from their room, gifts in hand, Iris was sitting quietly on the couch waiting for him, and if you looked close enough you could just barely see her knees shaking.

"Alright," said an oblivious Barry as he took a seat next to her. "Now not to pat myself on the back or anything but I think I did pretty good this year." He was always so clueless when it came to gift giving, but Iris found it cute. For their anniversary he had given her a waffle maker, only to accidentally spark it with a bolt of lightning and fry the whole thing. Iris kept it anyway.

Barry gently kissed Iris on the cheek before revealing a small jewelry box. Around it was a red satin ribbon with a tag that said For my Lighting Rod. "Merry Christmas, Iris," he said.

"Barry," Iris blushed.

"Shh, just open it."

Iris lifted the top to reveal the most beautiful necklace she had ever seen. Attached to the delicate chain was a slender lightning bolt in a glowing gold color, and embedded at the top was a single pearl. "Barry," she breathed, as he lifted the jewelry out of the box and clasped it around her neck.

"It was forged in the speed force," he explained. "So no matter where we are in the world, you'll always have a little piece of me with you. And if you ever need me..." he gently pressed the pearl with a click, and his own watch instantly lit up in response. "I'll always come running home to you," he finished.

"Barry, I... I don't know what to say," said Iris, but the tears in her eyes told Barry everything he needed to know.

"Hey now, no crying on Christmas," he said, gently wiping away the tears on her face. "Besides, now it's your turn."

Iris took a second to compose herself and after a deep breath, reached over towards the table and picked up a small gift box wrapped in silver paper. With eyes filled with both pure love as well as fear, she placed the box in Barry's hands. "I really hope you like it," Iris whispered.

Barry smiled as he lifted the lid from the box. Inside sat a tiny pair of sneakers, both soles fitting just in the palm of his hand. At first Barry just stared in confusion.

"These are cute but why would I..." His words trailed off as the realization hit. "Iris," he gasped, "are... are you... are we...."

"I'm pregnant," she finished, letting out a sigh of relief. Barry sat there in shock for a few moments, his eyes bouncing back and forth between the shoes in his hand and his wife.

"Iris," he said again, suddenly breaking out of his trance and instantly engulfing Iris in a hug. Tears were streaming down both of their faces and the two clung to each other.

"Hey, no crying on Christmas," Iris giggled, despite the mascara beginning to run down her face.

"We're having a baby," Barry breathed, still processing.

"You're going to be a dad."

"You're going to be a mom."

Barry pulled back to look his wife in the eyes, placing a hand on her stomach. In that moment he saw nothing but beautiful perfection in front of him, and everything seemed right in the world. Barry leaned forward and softly but passionately kissed her lips, his hand still resting on her stomach. When they finally pulled apart Barry sat with his forehead resting against hers, both just taking in the moment with one another.

"I love you Iris," said Barry. "And I will always come running home to you."

"To us," Iris added with a smile.

I'M NOT CRYING YOU'RE CRYING. Okay fine I'm crying. I might write a Part 2 about the Christmas party and them telling the others so let me know if that's something you want to see!

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