Barry and Mia - Will you?

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"That was great Iris, thank you," Barry smiled from across the table. It was their first night off in weeks and Iris had surprised him with one of Grandma Esther's recipes.

"Of course, I'm just glad it came out okay. I thought I was going to ruin it," Iris laughed.

"Hey you can cook when you want to," Barry assured her. Iris glanced back down at the table, her hands twitching as if she were hiding something. "Iris?"

"Okay fine," she sighed. "Cecile came over and helped me."

Barry burst out laughing, amused at how difficult it was for his wife to keep that secret in. "Well tell Cecile I said thank you," he smiled. Both stood up to begin clearing the table, but Barry suddenly paused and winced in pain.

"That meta really got you good today, huh?" Iris said with concern.

"Yeah, I'll be fine though. Speed healing is just taking a bit."

"So I guess you'll want to go straight to sleep tonight," she added slyly.

Barry stopped in his tracks. "I didn't say that," he said with a childlike grin.

Their conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Were you expecting someone?" Iris asked as she headed for the door. Barry shook his head. She opened it to find none other than Mia Queen on the other side. Her eyes were red and puffy as if she had been crying.

"Oh my god Mia, what happened?" Iris said as she pulled the girl in the door and towards the couch.

"I'm so sorry for just showing up like this," Mia sniffled.

"Hey hey it's alright, come sit down," Iris replied sweetly.

"What's going on?" Barry asked as they all took a seat next to the fireplace.

"Well, um," Mia began. "Connor and I are... Well, we're engaged."

"Oh my god!" cried Iris, pulling her in for a hug. "Mia, that's amazing!"

"Congratulations, Mia." Barry smiled. "We're really happy for you two."

"Thanks guys," Mia whispered.

"Wait," said Iris. "Is that why you're upset?"

"No no," Mia assured her. "Connor's great. I just... there's something I wanted to ask you, Barry."

"Me?" Barry said with surprise. "What's that?"

"Well, I um," Mia began fidgeting around in her seat, obviously stressed about whatever it was she was trying to say. "I guess I've just been struggling a lot with Dad gone. I got so used to having him in my life that now I'm not really sure how to move on without him, especially now with this."

"That's understandable," Barry nodded solemnly.

"So today we met with this wedding planner that Lyla wanted us to go see, and she was asking all these questions about our family and who we wanted to be in the wedding, that kind of stuff. And I just froze." She stopped to take a breath as tears threatened to materialize. Barry smiled sadly as he reached over to take Mia's hand, giving her the confidence to go on. "I didn't know what to tell her because it felt like anything I could possibly say would be betraying Dad."

"Mia that's not true," said Iris, resting a hand on her shoulder. "No one has honored his legacy more than you."

"That's right," Barry nodded. "He would be so proud of you, Mia. So how can we help?"

"Well..." Mia glanced towards Barry and then down at the floor. "I was wondering... Barry, would you maybe walk me down the aisle?" she finally said, her voice cracking at the end.

Barry's heart fluttered, stunned at the words he had just heard. Him? Really?

"You don't have to," Mia stammered. "You've got your own family and everything, I just-"

"Of course I will," Barry smiled.

"Really?" Mia whispered, her shoulders dropping.

"Yeah," Barry said with a tear in his eye. He leaned across the couch, wrapping Mia in a hug.

"I was just thinking if Dad couldn't do it... he would want it to be you."

"Mia, you know I would do anything for Oliver, and especially you." Barry smiled at Mia with pride.

"Thank you Barry," Mia whispered.

"Goddamn, y'all are making me cry," laughed Iris, mascara now running down her face.

"Sorry Iris," Mia giggled. "But on that note... bridesmaid?"

"Oh hell yes," she cried, engulfing Mia in another hug.

"I love you guys."

"We love you," added Barry. At this moment he was certain that Oliver was looking down on them, and he was going to do his very best to make him and his daughter proud.

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