Barry and Cisco - Musicals

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"You know," Barry said, "I think Music Meister might be my favorite villain we've ever faced. I give him points for creativity."

"Guys, I'm right here." Killer Frost said defensively.

"He wasn't even a villain, really." Barry finished.

"What do you mean?" Cisco asked. "He attacked you, trapped you in a dream world where you were forced to sing and dance, and almost got you and Kara killed. Sounds like the definition of villain to me."

"Hey, some people like singing and dancing."

"Not me bro." Cisco retorted. "Musicals are not my thing."

"You haven't ever seen any have you," Frost said accusingly.

"Not the point."

"Bro. Come over tonight, and prepare to be educated." Barry said.

"But Game of Thrones comes on at-"

"Nope. You're coming." Barry said definitively.

"Ugh fine. But there better be food."

That night, Barry spent an hour scouring musicals and deciding on the best one to show Cisco. He only had one shot at converting Cisco to the dark side, so he had to choose wisely. He ultimately decided on Singing in the Rain, who didn't like Singing in the Rain? When Cisco arrived, Barry was ready and armed with the tv remote, popcorn, and twizzlers.

"Let's get this over with," Cisco said with annoyance. "Khaleesi waits for no man."

Cisco sat in silence the rest of the evening, his face a blank stare so that Barry had no clue what was going through his head. This continued up until the movie ended and Cisco left, thanking Barry for the food and heading out the door while muttering something about dragons. He hated it, didn't he, Barry thought, sitting back in defeat.

The next morning everyone was seated in the cortex ready to start the day, everyone except Cisco. He had been late before, but never this late and they were starting to worry.

"Barry, wasn't he with you last night?" Caitlin asked.

"Yeah he was, but I haven't heard from him since he left. Do you think I need to go look for him?" Barry replied.

"Guys he probably just overslept," Iris said calmly, "Let's give it a little more time before we start freaking out."

At that moment, the door swung open and in walked Cisco, dressed in a sweatshirt and sweatpants, his hair sticking out in strange angles that went against the laws of physics. The dark circles under his eyes suggested that he didn't get much sleep.

"Dude, what happened to you? You look awful." Ralph said bluntly, eliciting glares from the rest of the team.

"Do you know how many minutes there are in a year?" Cisco asked, his voice hoarse. "Because I do. Five-hundred twenty-five thousand-"

"Six hundred minutes," Barry finished, humming along. " watched Rent?"

"Why didn't anyone tell me that Angel dies? And then they have the audacity to almost kill off Mimi too? Those bastards." Cisco stammered.

"Wow. Okay," Iris said with a laugh.

"And how the hell does Lin Manuel Miranda remember so many words? It's like he's speaking in binary code."

The team watched as Cisco continued his confused rant.

"I listened to Dear Evan Hansen, I knew this cool guy in college named Evan so I was like hey, why the hell not? But guess what the music doesn't tell you? CONNOR WAS DEAD THE WHOLE TIME AND HE AND EVAN WERE NEVER ACTUALLY FRIENDS. WHO DOES THAT?"

Iris stood up to go get Cisco some water while the others continued to be entertained by Cisco's sleep deprived delirium.

"I feel like some kind of history genius now, dude. Seriously, ask me about the American Revolution, or presidential assassinations, or the Newsboy Strike of 1899, even King Henry VII's hundreds of wives, seriously the dude got around," he rambled.

"Okay buddy, let's sit you down." Barry said, guiding Cisco to a chair.

"The wicked witch of the west? Not actually that wicked. Did you know she had a backstory where she and Glinda were FRIENDS? FRIENDS, I TELL YOU. AND SHE DIDN'T EVEN REALLY MELT."

"So uh, I take it you watched a few more musicals last night?" Barry said with a laugh.

"I may have." Cisco replied, his face turning red.

This made my musical theater nerd heart happy :) What other characters do you want to see stories about? Literally give me any suggestions you have. 

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