Barry and Iris - Baby Nora

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"Babe," Iris said, shaking Barry awake. He quickly became aware of the crying baby down the hall. "It's your turn."

With a groan, Barry slowly pulled himself upright and out of bed. Nora was standing up in her crib when he turned the corner, her wide eyes sparkling in the moonlight that peeked through the window. "What's wrong, little speedster?" he asked, gently lifting her up. She couldn't talk yet, but listened more intently than any baby he'd ever seen. "Can't sleep? I know the feeling."

Nora had a power dampening chip that could be turned on and off. Barry and Iris knew that her speed needed to be controlled until she got older and learned to control it, so for now they kept it turned on in public and off at home, where they could keep an eye on her. Sometimes having it on meant that the excess energy in her system built up and kept her awake at night. Barry understood that better than anyone. Luckily there was one thing that always helped.

"Want to go for a run, Nora?" he asked his daughter. She gave him a wide, toothless smile in response. Soon after, Barry slipped Nora into her special stroller that Cisco had made and went out the door. With one quick bolt of lightning, they were off. The pair made their way all around Central City, taking in the peace and quiet that only came in the middle of the night. Nora stared up at the stars in awe, her delicate hair flowing in the wind. It wasn't long before Barry saw Nora's body begin to relax and surrender to sleep. After one last lap around the city, he headed home.

He pulled Nora out of her stroller and was about to put her back in her crib when he felt her snuggle up against his chest. Even the strongest superhero couldn't resist that. He backed away from the crib and took a seat in the rocking chair in Nora's room. While she slept, he held her tightly and began imagining what these nights would be like when she grew up, and ran next to him. There were very few people who understood what it was like to be a speedster and the sensation that it brings. He finally had someone that was just like him, and it just so happened to be his own daughter. Barry dreamed of teaching her how to hone her abilities, just like he did. She would be able to phase flawlessly, throw lightning with perfect aim, and run circles around everyone else.

A tear ran down Barry's cheek. It was then that he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Iris smiling down at him, her eyes full of pride. She had been watching them this whole time.

"I love you, Barry Allen," she said. "And you too, little Miss Nora Anne."

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