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Never once in our life had we thought we would end up here. We all thought our lives were just gonna be boring. But instead, we're here. None of us anticipated this outcome, so we decided to give you this letter. We have collectively written it and decided each sentence as a group, but it's you who decides if it was worth it. Each of us decided which part we would write, and it was
up to us how long our pieces would be. We all agreed that, if it came to it, we would 
never tell anyone else about our secret letter. It all started in May. For the moment we're all
gonna tell the story, and hopefully it ends up alright. Now, before we begin, we do need to
let you know that this takes place in an invisible realm on the 5th of Augustan. It was a Tuesday,
you see, and so it was darker than night. The sky was black for the whole day, and we all went down to the lake. Faint glimmering stars reflected off the water, and Ally was the first to walk. We
never thought we would be in this situation, so of course we're writing a letter. None of us were gonna follow her in, but James eventually grew courageous enough to join her. John began to run into the water, splashing the rest of us. Mary and Maggie soon swam out with the others. All
around us, the glistening black water stilled, and the slight ripples looked like wrinkled silk. Still
and yet oddly fast, the current tickled our toes. Ally went first, but soon grew tired and chose to
desert us. She stood on the shore dripping, and we slowly all followed her out. After that, well, you see... it's quite hard to explain. The lights suddenly flicked on, and all around us... We've never had to describe it, it's quite difficult really, but it was painful. The light felt as though it was
gonna melt our skin into liquid, it was that harsh. We all hoped it would not kill us, but let us
make ourselves clear: we did not know it was illegal. For the most part, that is. Kind of...
You might not believe us, and that's alright, we just felt that we should explain before we all
cry and you wonder what happened. So. It was a dark day, as I mentioned, and we... well. we'd
never had lights so blindingly bright shone on us, and Ally's skin soon started to blister. We were
gonna make a run for it, but instead we all slipped quietly into the cool water. We hear a voice
say "You are all going to die. You must exit the water and walk to us, or you'll have to say a final
good-bye to the world." Maggie and James ran out of the water very quickly, but Ally would
never give in so easily. However, James and Maggie were trying to survive. Mary was not ever
gonna leave, and did not wish to submit herself to these unsee people who hurt Ally. We won't
tell the name of our town in fear of our lives, so we will leave it at this: It is not a large town. It's
a tiny town, with only 1,000 people. It was odd that the Light people had come, and that is no
lie. Unwilling to interfere with them, we soon grew very lightheaded from holding our breath
and treading water. John was pulled from the water with a ghastly hook. Finally, Maggie was
hurt as they yanked her up from the depths. We all sat and stared a the horrific creatures, and you stared back as you brought a scythe, within the folds of your cloak, and held it to our necks.


when I was writing this it's lined up differently than when it's being read so the Rickroll doesn't work out properly and it just looks weird- 

you just got Rickrolled, let me know if you realized (which you didn't because alignment):D I hope you have an awesome morning/afternoon/evening/night!*

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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