Ghosts in Target Changing Rooms

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If you don't know, two mirrors facing each other creates a vortex that allows spirits into the house. You shouldn't go into Target changing rooms, it causes quite a scene. I'll tell you a story to explain what I mean.

"Move over, Billie, I wanna look in the mirror!!"

"No you, Jeff. Chad is trying to decide if he wants this shirt!"

"But I'm more stylish!"

"It doesn't matter you guys, he can't hear you or see you!"

"Shut up James! We're all tired of being in here, I don't blame Jeff and Billie for getting annoyed!"

"I can't hear you over the nine other ghosts and one human in this changing cubicle! We need to get out of here!"


"Yes, exactly!"


"Hey, John! You're closest to the door! Try and open it up!"

"I can't! I don't have hands!!"

"Oh, right. We're vapor, we can't touch anything."

"Everyone move to one corner! Chad is shivering!"

"Yeah, and he's trying on the Gucci clothes now!"

"Give him some space! Give him some space!"

"Billie! Hurry up, he's freezing cold!"

"I'm coming, calm down!"

"Yikes, that doesn't look very good. What do you think James?"

"Nah, he shouldn't buy that. It's so expensive too!!"

"Todd! Scoot over, I almost got in Chad's way!"

"Sorry, Brian. Maybe you should move, not me!"

"Excuse me!?"

"Everyone shut up! Chad's leaving!"

"Guys look through the door. Make sure he's putting that awful shirt on the rack!"

"I see him! I see him!"

"What's he doing?"

"Did he put it back?"

"What's going on?"

"He's going toward the rack!!"


"Let's goooo!"

"He's flipping through his clothes!"

"Did he put the shirt on there?"

"Chad picked up the shirt!!"

"Good. Good choice dude!"

"He can't hear you, John."

"...and he set a different shirt on the rack..."

"What is he doing!?"

"Chad noooooo!!! Put the shirt back!"

"Why would he keep that ugly thing?"

"Who knows, humans are weird."

"Let's go back home please!"

"Yep, good idea, let's go!"

And so all the ghosts went home. You should never change in a Target changing room, four mirrors are all facing each other, and all the ghosts will severely judge your fashion sense. You'll be cold and feel a draft, and they'll attentively follow your every move, trying to make you buy what they think is good. Hopefully, this story warned you of the severe danger of ghosts in Target changing rooms.

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