20. morning

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Forgive me but i dont know where should i let they go :'(. Since i never go on a date before hahahah. So lets just skip it until they go to the restaurant for lunch.

"Thanks for all of this, seungcheol~," shua said with a smile. A cute smile as soon as both of us sit down.

For a hundreds time of that day, my heart skip again. This is umhealthy but i love it. I love the sensation. Since me and jeonghan date, my heart never beat this fast. Im not saying i dont love him, hell yes i do. It just..i dont know. Honestly, something change. Theres something i dont know, suddenly gone when we date. Well, maybe because i finally get him at thet time so i didnt care that much.

But i like this shua. I really do. I feel like i want to be his everything. Fuck off his crush. He didnt see what shua have but i see. He is so special and...and i want to be the one who tell him how special he is.

"Seungcheollie," i blushed. He never call me that after my birthday and hearing it from his sweet voice are so earcandy. Wait,Shit, did i just blush in front of him??!! Its okay, its okay. Act cool.

"Y-yeah?," good job seungcheol for stuttered. You act so cool with your stutter. Please give me some award.

He open his mouth, ready to speak but he closed it back before bitting his lower lips.


He flinched. Whats wrong with him. Then, he a deep breath and saying something without voice before he look right to my eyes.

"This might sound cliche but,seungcheol, first of all  i want to say i really adore our relay. You bring so many joy and happiness in my life. I admit, i do think you a bit stupid when we firs met but that feeling change to the think that its preety cute. As time passed by, i start to like your loudness, your childihness and without i aware of what the hell i feel for you, i start to like eveything about you. You are like the rainbow after a storm that i miss so much. I thought i will never like you, i thought i will keep disliking you cause you are a different version of me but no. But then, i keep caught myself smiling thinking about you. Yeah, seungcheol,i seriously can't stop thinking about you. Can't never did actually. Just then, i realise i will never can go through my day without thinking about you. I fall for you bit by bit.... but i feel so scared. Im scred for the meaning of this feeling, seungcheollie," wait, does he mean by that. Shua..you..

"Its so crazy when i look at you but i also miss you so so so much. You seriously a biggest question of my life, seungcheollie. The question that i want to solve so much but also scared to know the answer..,"

"S-shua...what do you mean by this?," i still too shocked to thinking properly. Did he..

"Seungcheol, you are the only one for me. You are like the sun on my cloudy day. Oh my, i really like you choi seungcheol"


Stunned and speecless... did he just confess to me? Yeah, yeah he is. So he like me too? I feel so happy and warm but i also shocked. So i just look at him, staring actually. Too stunned to say anything.

But his flusttered face change to the sad one since a long moments passed without anything from my mouth "B-but i..i know you going out with jeonghan. I-im so sorry..but i cant keep this to myself. Im so sorry for being selfish. Sorry..seungcheol..i..i ruin everything," then the tears that running down his eyes caught me off guard.

What the heck im waiting for actually? I like him. He like me. All the shocked feeling now getting replace by the happy one. My heart feel like a flower that blooming in a garden. I feel well, free? Like i can do anything now with him "Shua..i-"

Just before i can say it, his phone ringing. He quickly wiped the tears before take it out and look at the contact and clear his throat before answering it.

"H-hi dad," oh, his dad. Gosh my heart, its beating in extraordinary way. I nearly cant breath properly cause of excitement and nervous. Hah, why do i feel nervouse anyway? Calm down. Calm down.

Its okay, i can tell him after this. I feel so excited! Ah!!!

"R-really?!," his voice raised which snapped me out from my mind.

I frowned. What are they talking about actually seem like its a serious matter.

"Yeah, okay. Seungcheol is with me. Yeah. We're on our way"

Me? He end the call and look at me.

"Seungcheol...w-we can talk about this later..we need to go right now"

"Huh? Whats wrong?" But i still not telling him my fee-

"Its jeonghan! He's awake"

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