7. Night

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Out of topic but...in case you guys dont know dwc have an orchestra ver.

"Good evening aunty and uncle", seungcheol bows respectfully to the elders as they open the door.

"Good night seungcheol", Mrs Yoon beamed "come in"

Seungcheol thanked them before following the elderly couple inside.

"Do like your house. Shua will come with the food later",Mrs Yoon said before excusing herself to the kitchen. Seungcheol take a seat and looking around the house. Its so cozy, nice and clean. Hs also spotted a picture of the twin. Dang, they look more alike when they are child. How can their parents know which one is who?

Later, shua come with the food in his hand.

"Hi, seungcheol", he said softly.

"Hi, shua", okay, let just say he gulped as he look at joshua's muscle hand. How can he hide that hand in his shirt? He look hella skinny but his hand is like hulk's hand. And that's hot. Wait. Choi seungcheol, from where did that thought come? Look away!

After they put all the food and settle down everything, Mr Yoon started the conver.

"So, seungcheol, are you in the same class with jeonghan or joshua?"

"I'm with jeonghan"

"I see, well it must be so hard for you to tell the differences right? Sometime i mistell too", Mr Yoon said with a chuckle.

"Y-yeah...hahah", if just they know the fact that he never know the younger is exist.

"So, how can you be in a relay with our lil angel?", his mother asked.

"I fall for him when I first saw him. Its like, a first sight love", seungcheol said proudly. Wait, thay sound cheesy as hell.

The mother nods, clearly happy to hear that "why didn't jeonghan ever let us meet? You are so kind" seungcheol blushed at the compliment. He lowkey thought he didnt deserve it since what he do just answered the question given. But eh, at least, he didnt skip or left the question like what he always do in exam.

"How about your school life?"

"Not bad. At least, i can meet jeonghan and my friends. I can do lots of exciting experiment and play sport that i like. School life is okay for me except for the homework, exam and the scary teacher"

They laughed "guess, every students feel the same like you"

"But i think joshua never have that problem", seungcheol teases.

"Why did you bring me to this conver?", he said in disbelief. He just sit there but suddenly his name pop up. Seriously?

"See", seungcheol keep teasing "he don't even denied it yet. Bet he love the homeworks and exam" the elders laughed.

"Oh sweetie,", Mrs Yoon wipes the tears away.

"Seem like shua not just need to deal looking at jeonghan being lovey dovey with you but also suffering in this teasing too"

This is the first time he have a proper conver with him though.

"I know dad. It make me sick looking at them. Ergh", shua rolls his eyes jokingly "they act like a cheesy couple. Sometime i questioning them "are you guys practicing in any drama or what?""

They laughed again. While seungcheol in a pure shock. Okay, that went smooth.

They countinue until all the food finished. "How the food, seungcheol?"

"Its so delicious. Thanks for having me"

He look at joshua who start to clean everything up "let me help you, shua"

"No, no", Mrs Yoon protested "i will do that. Its getting late. You should go home now. Joshua please send him"

Joshua nodded, bring the plate that already in his hand to the sink before grab his jacket.

"Thanks aunty and uncle", seungcheol bowed.

"Anytime, sweet. Bye, see you again"

"Your parents are so nice", seungcheol said.

"Uhm..thanks i guess?"

Seungcheol bit his lips. The younger are so talky with him at his house and now he is like rather die than speak.

He sighs. Minghao mentioned this before. He will acted like this just to the people he dont really know. But they know each other already, well for a couple of days but still, and shua still act this cold to him.

"You know shua," the younger look at him with a frown "jeonghan is so like you when i first meet him. He will be this cold and dont want to talk to anyone. He didn't have friends too at first we met. But i still dont understand why dont he just hangin out with you than spent time alone. B-"

"So this is all about jeonghan?", joshua snaps.

"He's my boyfriend and my other half. What do you expect from me?"

Joshua rolls his eyes. "Sure"

"Anyway, thanks for sending me. I can walk by myself from here", seungcheol said.

"okay, bye", is the only thing the younger said beforw walk away. No waved, no turning back.

A chat

hi, shua😄

May i help u? Do u left something at my house?

what? No.

then why did u text me? I told u, dont disturb me unless its necessary😒

i just want to say sorry :(


I'm so sorry cause i always mentioning jeonghan. I forgot im not the only one who miss him. And keep saying his name must adding the sadness. I'm so sorry.

It's ok. It's my fault too. I know u miss him and stuff. I understood.

then, how about i bring you to somewhere?😃

You can go with your friends??

true, but i want to go there with u so we will not akward with each other again. Anyway, we will soon be a 'brother in law' anyway😀😀

1) ewww
2) why not?

great! Its on sunday. We met at carat cafe, 8am

okay. I want to sleep now.

good night😄

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