5. Early morning

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"Hey hyung!", seungcheol look at his back. Its been two days after all the incident and its Monday, so they they are, on their way to the school.

"Hi Kwannie", seungcheol flashes a smile to the younger.

"Where's Jeonghan hyung?", then the elder remembered that Mr Yoon and Mrs yoon asked him to not tell anyone about this thung when he visited jeonghan the day before.

"Oh, uhm, he.. he told me he went to his hometown for some reason and will not attend the school for a very long time"

"Really? Then, what does his twin doing here?", seungkwan said as he pointa at certain place. Seungcheol follow where Seumflwan loints at to see joshua with the boy he met at the cafe and three other boy he don't recognize at all.

"You know hannie have a twin?," seungkwan cringed to the nickname but nods anyway. Sappy couple.

"Of course i know", seungkwan boasts.

"Sure. But guess what? I never know he have a twin", seungcheol admmits.

"For real? You don't know jeinghan hyung have a twin?" Are you really jeonghan hyung's boyfriend?", seungkwan asked in dibelief. "You guys had been a couple for two months now. Theres no way he have no time to tell you"

Seungcheol feel kinda offensed to hear that but he shrugged it off and still wanna defensed his boyfriend "maybe they are not in a good term". Who know?

"Don't think so. I met them sometime outside school and they look ok together", seungkwan said.

"Really?", its a bit confusion to seungcheol too since, well, why dont hannie told him this? "So, can you introduce them to me?"

"Sure. You already know shua sunbae, I guess. The one with mullet is xu minghao, the shortest one is lee jihoon, the one who look like a cold guy is jeon wonwoo and the handsome one is chwe hansol"

"The handsome one, huh?", seungcheol smirks at the word.

"Hey, he is handsome", and seungcheol can clearly see how blushing seungkean is now.

"They also popular among the teacher..they are like..a bunch of smart kid",the younger added.

"Ah..we arrived already. Bye hyung"


"Hyungs, we can't go to the library today", hansol informed the other.

"Why?", wonwoo asks.

"Theres a meeting going on there. So they closed the library for today"

"We have no choice than go to thw cafeteria", minghao said.

Theres a reason why they didnt go to the cafeteria. Mostly because how loud the people there. Like, they sit beside each other but they talk like they are separated by a huge hill or something.

"Hey, theres your boyfriend minghao", jihoon pointed out.

"Oh, yeah"

"So, you'll sit with him?", shua asked.

"If he call me"

"Haohao!" "oh, he see me" make the others rolls their eyes playfully.

"Haohao~", jun hugs the younger tightly even sniffed on his hair make the others cringed. "I thought you will go to the library today"

"Hi and yeah..but the library ia closed today", minghao said.

"Then...lets sit with me and my friend. You guys can join too",jun turned to the others.

"Guys", jun trying to take his friends's attention "can they sit with us?"

They look at they and nodded, with a smile.

"Hi, hansol", seungkwan greets with a light pink tinted on his cute cheeks.

"Hi kwannie", and seungkwan just blushed harder.

"You guys know each other?", jun raised his eyebrow.

"Yeah, we're in the same class"

"Oh yeah, seugkwan is in the A class. He kinda stupid sometime that we forget the fact he actually smart except for his english", the tallest among them said.

Seugkwan is so close to smack the tallest but jun cutted them off. "Lets introduce ourself"

(im this lazy to write it. But..you guys already know shua's friends so, seungcheol's friends are jun, soonyoung, mingyu and seungkwan)

"Oh, we have another friend but he's late", mingyu said.

With that, a boy running to them. "Im so sorry"

He look up to met joshua's eye that giving him a judging look. But thats not how seungcheol see it, he actually look him as jeonghan and he's so shocked.

"H-hannie?", he nearly hug joshua when soonyoung flicked his forhead, making him whinned at the pain.

"A-auch", he pouts "why did you do that?"

"Hyung, its not jeonghan hyung. Its shua hyung", and seungcheol's eye widened. At then, he realize the table is full with people.

"Ah..h-hi s-shua"

"Stop embarassing us hyung", seungkwan rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, but uhm what are you guys doing here?"

"I invited them", jun said with one hand in the air "they have no place to sit futhermore, minghao is here"

"Minghao?", he look to the mullet boy "minghao?! Your bf is this jun?"

"Uhm..is there any other jun at this school?" Yeah? We have park jun and renjun here??

"R-right", seungcheol smiled sheepishly "but..i never know you have a boyfriend, jun"

"Are you really his friend?", shua questioning.

"Yeah, hyung. All of us know this except you", mingyu said.

"Sorry for say this..but i, we, guess you have 'no idea' about everything is because you spent most of your time with jeonghan hyung. Like, jeonghan hyung is your world and..I'm not saying its bad but..you really need to open the window and look outside too", for once, seungkwan saying something wise, for his friends. Now they know why seungkwan got into A class.

Suddenly it become awkward, the air bcn thicker before Mingyu decide to distracted everyone.

"I never see jeonghan hyung's this close", he exclaimed "hiShua hyung"

"Hi", shua give him a smile 'he never give a smile to me?',seungcheol thought.

Thank god, Mingyu's tactic work as everyone start talk and laughing again until the bell rang.

"We should hang out more. You guys are so nice", hansol said.

"Sure why not?", soonyoung clap his hand, liking the idea since he is interested with jihoon already.

They slowly leaving the cafeteria but joshua and seungcheol stay. Seumgcheol didnt meant to stay, actually, he is lost in his own world. Seungkwan's word really got him. He's not mad at him, though. He just...well, question his life. Its a true anyway.

While joshua stay there cause for some reason, he pity seungcheol.

"Hey, we're gonna be late if we stay here", joshua finally said. Seungcheol look up at him.

"Yeah, sure", and with that, joshau give the elder his hand, with a soft smile.

"Lets go", shua said and seungcheol gladly take his hand.


Chan didnt attend the same school with them. He is homeschooling and dont asked where seokmin is. I will insert him later.

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