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The moon lights a path to light even in the darkness. It shines as bright as the sun. But that is what makes it so much more beautiful in the end. Clover is stepping over the paddles in the crystal clear water.  She the moon fish swim around her mates feet. 

They have beautiful white and gold scales that cover their body with long tails that flow like they are getting pushes by wind. So majestic to look at clover feels her heart beat faster looking at the demon that is holding her above the water. "Did you know when your happy, your eyes seem to bright and your smile more showing your dimples." 

To say the girl blush was the understatement  of the year. Her cheeks lit up red in a second looking at her mate seeing she only has love in here eyes. That makes her ears start to turn red. Mia on the other hand is admiring her mate and seeing that her face is getting hot so are her ears making the demon smirk only tightening her hold on the younger girl. 

She wants to show clover something but she also does not want to make the girl take in to much for one day. "Something is on your mind Mia." The demon quickly looked up at the girl with a smile. "Now how did you know that clovey? Have you been studying me?" 

"Only the little things  you little demon." The younger girl smirks at her name as the older one only blushes looking at the moonfish.  But the red strain of red does not go away on her cheeks. Making the girl in her arms smile with happiness knowing that her mate was blushing so much. The table as turned and clover loves it.

Clover is going to enjoy teasing the demon for their time together until the end. Where ever their path together ends for both of her mates she will stay with them. Until the very end even if it means giving up her life.  Turning her head she sees a dear drinking from the water but that dear has glowing antlers being pure white with sliver tips as the dear has blue eyes with a sliver coat on it. 

"That is so beautiful Mia where you taking me out on a date? Is this your way of taking me on a date then Mia." The demon looks at her with amazement and smiles nodding walks backward in the clear water making the moon fish follow use. "You truly are amazing Clovey." They are simple words but always seem to make her heart flutter. 

"Where are you taking me now Mia!" The younger girl giggles and held onto the demon as they got deeper into the water as the moon fish swim around them faster but one of them seems to be black and pink the other being black and purple. Mia feels the water get her clothes more wet but she wants to show her mate this. 

"I'm taking you to a underwater forest." Mia smiles seeing clover eyes shine brighter then the sun itself. The demon shows great care for her. Breaking all the walls that clover had put up not not wanting to get hurt. "Now how is there a such things as a underwater forest?" Clover raised a brow looking at the demon with compassion. The demon wants to show clover the world without all the pain and sufferings. 

Mia keeps walking as the water gets higher and higher up her body. "Do I have your permission to kiss you?" The older women asked a rather shocked looking clover as she looks down at the demon. Did she just ask for my consent to kiss me! Can she get anymore adorable she is so nice and caring. 

Clover thought and she nodded her head as the demon lean up and kissed her under the moonlight. Sparks ripped through Clover body setting her every being on fire has the demon pressed her soft lips against Clover as they fit perfect together kissing softly getting lost in the moment.   

The Demon strong grip kept clover from falling into the water as the kiss lasted longer then any of them thought it would. Clover wraps her legs around the demon bring her impossible closer to her. Not wanting any space to be in between. Mia smiled into the kiss making her lips curl against clovers. 

A smile makes it way on the younger girl lips as she whisper looking into the demon pink eyes. "I won't let you go for the rest of my life."  Mia heart was happy but she did not want to lose her mate to old age or time. One thing Mia had to watch is this world change over and over again after her first billionth  birth she got used to it. There where no human at the time but there was a lot of supernatural. 

Knowing this world she will not blow or kneel but if is to save her mate then she will. She will always watch over her soulmate even on days that clover does not want her to. She will always going to because she is her forever.

 "My little firefly I don't plan on loosing you anytime soon. Unless of cause you want me to leave then I will with a little bit of a fight." She smirked making Clover shake her head at the demon holding onto her. "Clovey I'm going to need you to hold your breath for me ok?" Nodding her head the demon slides into the water as the moon fish light up the sleeping forest. 

Clover Looks underwater amazed and speechless. There where trees that glowed blue with mushrooms that are giant all different time of colors. Fish where everywhere swimming out the forest making a home but then what catch Clover eyes  was the sea dragon having it body around the whole forest not able to see it's head. Mia was really one of a kind. 

Only if  Clover know how true those words are. 

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