The  Mighty has fallen

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The storm starts to get worst but it was not me that was doing it. I hear a broken roar then a dragon explodes out of the sea making a title wave of water. I stand there in aww of the magical creature that people rarely ever get to see.

I stood there in awe then I snapped out of my trance the dragon crashed into the rocks by the sea shattering them and laying there. Fuck these is stupid dragons are now for their pride and will fight until there last breath well that was what I thought anyway.

I used my lighting to get me down by the dragon to see if it ok there is nothing I can actually do to help it. But it does not hurt trying then though it can kill me in seconds.

I get down there and the waves  where crashing into it body. I saw pools of blood running of the rocks and making a blood waterfall running of the edge of the cliff that I'm now on with these dragon.

"How are you kid " a firm but broken voice came from the dragon laying on the rock. As it looks like taking it last breaths of life. " my names is clover and how are you may I ask." Really clover you standing before a dragon one of the mightiest creatures in existence and that what you say.

"My name is Tugaereo, Lord Of The Skies well was lord of the sky's." My god i heard of these dragon he can control the weather in the sky and the ocean. His power is legendary so who the fuck did these to him. " tugaereo who did these to you." I ask for the dying dragon the waves are hitting harder then before. Washing away his blood with the salty sea.

"Well...that's a story for another life clover. But for now I need you pass on my power." Oh yes dragons have the ability to pass on power to a host and give them more strength, speed, or a weapon. But who the fuck is he going to pass his power to. "Sorry for asking these in your awful looking shape but who are you going to pass your power to. 

Tugaereo starts to lift his body up and in doing so more blood come pouring out of his body. "Wow tugaereo do you want to die faster then you already are."  The lord of the sky's looks down at me with Electric blue eyes to be honest I thought I was going to die but what he did not caught me off guard.

"I have already found were my power will go. Clover I have chosen you to take my power." Bitch what oh hell no like I take..... these power. Tugaereo starts to glow a blue light emanating off his body. Then the blue light goes towards me and smashes into my body send my back into a fucking boulder. What the hell just happen well it not like it can get worst! Fuck I'm not going to fall up sleep that force must of knocked the shit of "Fuck I got school tomorrow." I turn over to look at the sky it was clear with shining stars then I fell into darkness. With the waves crashing in the background.

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