Army for Two

635 28 8

1000 years in the past

Alexis pov

Sitting in the bar was rather boring today. Thinking of how and when I can do something fun would be so much better. "Hey are you done with that drink?" I turn hearing a voice but then it clicks in my head there is only one man with that bitch of a voice. "Well if isn't fuck knuckle how you been?" Hearing a groan from the spot next to me.

"Bitch please we both know you finished more girl with your knuckle deep then anyone else on this shit hole of dirt that everyone thinks is flat." I hum knowing he is right but had to say something. "At least it's not as flat as your mother." I stated looking at him sipping my beer with both brows raised.

"What the fuck is with that face did someone piss in your drink of something." Oh that how you want to play hmm fine your on. Taking the drink away from my mouth looking at him. "Atlas you puss  it taste ten thousand more times worst then piss." Atlas just rolled his eyes and got the same of what I'm having. We both are in the city of Forever light. The damm place is a forest with everything that would want to kill you but hey being immortal drives the fun away.

"Here it's on me dumbass but I do warn you it hits hard." Atlas rolls his eyes and was about to taste it but then we got called out. more like a all ass person is  throw through the wall and into the bar cracking it in half taking my rom with it. "Fuck I didn't even get to finish that. Hey At-HA WHAT THE FUCK HAD TO YOUR FACE!" Atlas had the whole drink on his face and had a glare that could kill a thousand men. "Really now who the hell throws people past one in the morning!"

Slamming the glass down shattering it he stands up and I stand up with him looking at who started the fight and my mouth drops open seeing a giant monster turtle shell on it back. "what did you mother fuck a turtle?" I ask and get grabbed and throw through the glass widow though a wall into the dark streets only lit by the floating latten from above. "It was only a question you ass!"

I hear a laugh then a quick fuck me and see atlas body rolling right next to my own. "that hurt damm did you really have to open your stupid mouth?" He asked and I give a really look as he groans and gets up with me. Looking at the giant in front of us well that shell of his makes him look giant.

"So you really want to do th-" Before the rest of my words come out his tails slices open my neck making blood fly everywhere but I hold my neck with a smirk as blood run from my mouth my wound already closing. "oooh really now your green fucker give me a reason why I to knock your  ass to this nearest lava pit." He growled and I saw Atlas run at him with his two handed great sword only to get slapped and choked out by a tail.

"OH fuck yes harder dadd-FUCK ME!!" I see atlas get throw straight into the clouds. Damm the poor man only wanted to be chocked out by a tail . Laughing only to charged at the giant turtle thing. "Damm men that just rude all my dear friend wanted was to be choked out. He is one kinky ass I tell you that." I hear screaming well more like atlas yelling. "Quick someone stupid get in my way!" Only for him to land through a building bring it down.

I charge at him and growl and kick him right in the damm ball but something was very very wrong he only smiled. "" my face looking up at him and shock was all over it. "YOU DONT HAVE ANY BALLS!!!!" Being bitched slapped so hard the ground broke and I went flying into the same building Atlas did but hit my head on the wooden wall cracking it with a groan.

Atlas was hanging on a light by fall on me. "Get off me you idiot. Of course the damm monster you piss of has no balls." Atlas looks at me in horror before crying out. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE HAS NO BALL THATS NOT A HE THEN YOU DUMBASS!!" I Laugh and get up but then fall over landing in a box of fireworks. "what the-Oh my lord there is a god" I looked at atlas with a smirk and he smirk pulling out a light candle where I have no Idea where you got that from. "WAIT YOU FOUL BLOW IT O-!!"

The entire rest of the building blows up the whole street of house. I groan and rip out the pieces of metal that are in my chest and breast. "Dammit Atlas why the hell did you even have a candle on you?" He only coughed and stood there was his hair on fire looking at me. "Well sorry I thought it was a good idea to light his ass up you know."

I roll my eyes and kick him in the chest as he looked at me with wide eyes falling down the stairs well  all 40 thousand of them on a down side of a  hill. "YOU SON OF A  WHORE!!!" He used every cursed word I think anyone could have used going all the way down every dump he cursed at me louder. "I HOPE YOU FUCK MY SPINE." I die of laugher him calling me a son of a whore I'm a women I guess he just mad.

I raise a brow and yell out him "How about no!" shaking my head I look at the monster in front of me as it starts to rain a little. "Oooh come now little monster meet your maker." I say as my eyes go pure Pink. Using my speed I rip him into pieces, his blood getting all over the floor but soon washed away. "Well that was fun" watching the life leave those dead eyes I walk back to the broken bar to pour myself a drink when I hear a yell.

"ALEXIS YOU BITCH!!!!!!!!" Damm i guess he really was fast. falling down all the stairs now he has to get all the way up. A smirk comes on my lips as I look out into the full moon. That was fun.

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