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Val and I are wrap up together in each other arms enjoying the alone time. "Do you like looking up into the stars?" She asked me causing me to look at her with a smile laying my head on her arm. "I like many things and one of them is looking into those eyes of yours how pure they are." 

There was a calm wind that as been pushing the leaf's back and forth. Like the wind is putting the tree asleep with a gentle touch. I admire the shape of the different tree that surround us.   Val moves her arm around me bring be closer as she points out a glowing red butterfly. 

"Wow why is it glowing so red and bright?" I ask hearing a giggle come from behind me. She takes her fingers and slides her nail across it ripping opening the skin making a small cut as blood runs down it. "They are know as Blood butterfly's or vampire Butterflies they look for blood and drink it following them would lead to an animal or person bleeding the more their are the more blood there is." 

I nod my head in understanding looking over as the creature flaps the small red wings over to us landing on the drop of blood that is on the ground from Val cut. Looking at the wound she made seeing as it is already healed. Taking a daring move "why I touch your hand?" Val watches me with a curious  look and nods letting me touch her hand. 

Moving my hand slowly taking her in mine as they fit perfectly. So that what it means mates are made for each other in everyway. I trace her tan hands with my own feeling the heat and spark. Spread through my hand into my soul like understanding. 

We didn't even mark yet and the bond is already so strong what would it be like when we mark? "Your thinking to hard my little mate, steam is going to pop out of those pretty ears of your." Val says making me huff and look at her with a pout. "I just thinking about us and the future that is all." 

"You can do that but I love living in the moment as I don't know what the future holds for either of us. So I like to think of us in the time of now. But always know I don't intend on leaving you or ever hurting you." She said in that soft voice of her looking down at me with a graze that has more meaning that what she wants to let on. 

"I get that and I don't plan on leaving you either. Thinking about it I never thought about having a mate or what it would be like mating that one such is your soul mate." Looks at the ground taking my finger and drawing something into it. The lines connect as I keep drawing looking at the dirt with purpose. 

"I thought of my mate for all my life given that It all supernatural really live for." The moment that was said my heart starts to speed up. "Did you get what you wanted in a mate?" Asking thinking I'm not good enough for her. 

"Yes I did more then what I though I'll ever get from a mate your perfect." Val says and hugs me from behind as her breath hits the back of my neck making me get goosebumps and shiver. "You are a lot more better then what I thought my mate was going to be like." 

"Well hope that all good things about me." Val says as I roll my eyes and turn around nuzzling into your arms that are around me.  "Yes all good thing Val sorry to ruin the moment but what are we going to do from here on out?" The question that was on my mind for the longest as Val keeps holding me with a smile. 

"Simple we will travel together and fight side by side I intend to keep my word and I won't let my mother have you."  Smiles into her chest as it rises and falls. "Also princess do you intend to make fun of the vampire  king again?" 

"What no it was a one time thing ok nothing more nothing less." I say with some sarcasm in my voice knowing it won't be the last time that I see him or even talk to him. He was very interesting to say the least as he held such a big role. But never really showed his power to anyone. 

He is also the only vampire king in the history of vampires that has made peace with the humans or is trying even if he's own people don't like it. He  is thinking of anyone future not just his own people. 

"Say Val would you actually be ok with other knowing that you are mated to a human? I won't hold it against you if you do it would make sense if you didn't want to be seen or know as the vampire mated to a human. I said a little sad but then I giant spark runs down my spin at light speed feeling Val kiss my head softly looking at me with soft eyes. 

"Princess I am fine with people knowing who I'm mated to and proud I am mated to you but there are some people that I don't want to know." That makes my heartbeat pick up as I look up from her chest looking at her fully seeing she is wearing a smile with pure happiness. "Really your ok with people knowing about us?" She nods her head but then looks at me with a hint of worry. 

"I just don't want everyone to know yet I would let you to stay clear of my mother she would kill anything in her way of what she wants meaning me and I don't want to fight her yet knowing I am not strong enough." Val cups my cheeks and Looks down at me with the moon glowing on her tan skin bring out her silver eyes more. "I won't let anything happen to you Clover even if I have to take on the world." 

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