The hell you been

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I sheathed tuga and put him on my back and started to walk back to school. I can't believe I have that kind of power to stop an immortal from healing. "Clover where are we going?" Oh yes now these bitch is in my head that great.

"We are going to school." I stated well walking down the dirt path I took and look where I am now. "Wait you go to school how old are you?" Did he really not know that what did he know. "Yes i go to the human great school."

"Oh your strong as hell for human and now your even stronger then ever before. But seriously these Bird wants to eat. it looking at me like a giant worm." Only if I could see the look on his face when those words came out of his mouth.

"Maybe you are a giant blue worm that has teeth and can control the sky and sea." I said with a laugh he getting mad I can tell. "I'm not a worm I am tugaereo the lord of the sky and dragon of the heavens! Not a fucking worm!" I couldn't do it had to laugh there was no way I couldn't.

"Tuga you do know your bonded to me and a human of all species." He sighed almost if know that those words would come out of my mouth.

"Master I don't care if your a human or not you show that you have power but you don't need it to fight. Unlike most humans I meant in my life time your the first one that didn't cower in front of me." He actually got me to smile I guess he was right I didn't really cower. "By the way who is are mate I can't wait to meet them after all if you have kids they also take my power."

"Oh that's not weird at all. Sorry tuga i don't have a mate and even if I did I'm gay so I wont do a guy." I was getting on school property now and everyone was looking at me like I'm a ghost. "What the fuck you mean you don't have a mate your 24 you should have found your mate at 18 like everyone else."

"Well I'm not like everyone else am I tuga. And why the fuck is everyone looking at me like I died." I said while looking around at people and they staring at my like I walk out of hell or something.

"Tuga I need you to change and hid in my soul I don't want the teacher asking questions. And pulse swords are not allowed in school." He vanished off my back and went into my soul fully. So now there is not a full ass sword on my back.

I walked to my school room that i have with all my team. I open the door when the teacher is talking and the teacher and students look at me with wide eyes.

"Did I miss a party or something you asshats stare at me like I died." I stated and started walking to my seat but then a shout surprise with a body being throw at me.

"What the actually fuck have you been clover." Ray was said person that throw himself at me and then Arthur and maze where behead him with worried and relieved looks on their faces.

"Ok anyway want to tell me what going everyone acting like I died!" I stated firmly and waiting for one of them to speak but it looks like they lost their voices to speak.

Maze then stepped forward. "Clover you been missing for 5 days. There was a trouble lighting storm that shook the hole school. Clover the games started tomorrow." When those words left her mouth my hole body went stiff.

"The games are tomorrow what the actual fuck!"

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