Chapter Three

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I woke up with a groan, my phone ringing annoyingly in the background forcing me to get up. I KNEW I should have changed my ringtone! God I'm changing it right after this. I grabbed it off my night table and pressed 'answer', pressing it to my ear. "Hello?" I groaned. "Whudtizs?"

"Excuse me?"

I groaned. "Erm..." I cleared my throat, I feel like there's a giant cotton ball stuffed down my throat, blocking my airpipes and voicebox. 


The way the person said  it, he/she filled it with so much happiness, concern and adoration rolled into one. My brain couldn't even function properly to recognize if the voice belonged to a girl or a boy. It was definitely worth waking up to, though. To have someone make you feel like the most special person on Earth. In fact, no one's ever said my name like that. I used to watch guys use that special tone with girls they dated and I used to beg furiously that someday I would have someone do that to me.

"Sorry I'm half brain dead right now," I mumbled, not even sure if that other person understood half of the things I said. "Who's this?"

"What time is it?"

I rolled my eyes. YOU called ME. Shouldn't YOU know? Did you call me just to ask me what time it is? "Urm, 7.50 in the morning. Who is this? It's a Saturday, God... it's so early." My eyes squinted in the sunlight streaming into my room.

"Sorry." I could hear the amusement in the person's voice, like I was some sort of entertainment to him/ her! Part of me's pissed off. He/ she calls me up at freaking 8 o'clock in the morning on a weekend and mocks me!

I couldn't even tell if it belonged to a girl or a guy, much less if that person was even speaking English. For all I know, he could be some Russian dude and everything I think he was saying was my own hallucinations. 

"Are you really going to mock me at eight in the freaking morning?" I asked, annoyed. "Do I entertain you or something?" I felt like hanging up.

"It's me, Elle."

"Me who?" I snapped. "Is this some kind of joke?"

"No, urm... I'm sorry. It's me, Niall."

I was blank for a few minutes. Niall? Did I hear it right? I don't know anyone named Niall! Did he mean Neil? Wait, Neil is my primary school janitor that used to mop up all the puke in the hallways. Why would he call me? 

"Who?" I asked blankly.

"We met at Sages," he reminded me. 

"Oh, urm... yeah!" I said, even though I had no clue who it was. "Well, hi. Sorry if I was rude, it's just... really early. Is there something you wanted?" I rubbed my eyes tiredly.

He laughed. LAUGHED. He really is pulling some freaking joke on me, isn't he?

"I spilled a fruit cocktail on you. I'm Irish," he urged me patiently.

Then it hit me. The really cute Irish guy from the bar!! I wanted to SHOOT myself then and there, feeling like the stupidest moron in the entire world. God he thinks I'm some airhead now! God what is WRONG with me? Shit, and he's so cute!! Dammit.

"Urm, hi!" I said brightly. "It's really early... I just..." I stammered. "Urm, how did you get my number?" I blurted out.

"Urm..." he said, sounding really nervous and I'm just glad I'm not the only one. "I called your phone really quick before I gave it back...?" 

I laughed. I never had a guy so interested in me before, who actually wants my number. Most guys go all weird and try to avoid me. I know. "Urm, well you're a little creepy aren't you Niall?" I joked. 

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