Chapter One

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Hey guys!! :) This is my SECOND fanfic so excited <3 My last fanfic is called Living The Dream, so go check that out! The last one was Liam and hopefully you like this one just as much! Thanks so much for everyone who's voted and commented and read my last one, support this one too? 

Don't be shy to comment! If you have voted, thank you, I love you <3


I crossed my arms as I leaned on a marble countertop sipping a glass of Coke. It was warm and flat - no gas in it whatsoever and it was actually pretty disgusting but they didn't seem to have anything else non alcoholic. I was probably the only one in the entire party that was alone, sober and not partying hard. A bunch of girls near me gulped down bottles of beers, laughing hysterically. I took a step back from the blonde closest to me who looked ready to hurl. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. Didn't they know alcohol was nothing but nasty empty calories? They smelt revolting.

Gabe, my boyfriend of 2 years was nowhere to be seen. He was probably somewhere getting wasted. The walls shook, vibrating with the loud techno music coming from the living room and I could see girls and guys alike grinding each other on the make-shift dance floor that was the living room floor to the beat of the music. I could see a hippie guy attempted to crowd surf through the packed room and another few girls were busy trying to beat a sassy black girl at Just Dance 4. 

I tried to slide through the crowds to the bathroom I saw when I walked in to wash my face. The inside of the house was hot, even with the nearby kitchen window open. I was sweating madly and my white TopShop shirt clung to my skin which was a pretty nasty feeling. My shirt now had a bit of some nerd's puke on it, a streak of blood from a guy fumbling after a drunken lawn fight and a large patch of red wine on my shoulder. I smelt like alcohol and cigarettes, sweat and something dusty like I stayed in an attic a tad too long.

I don't even know why I follow Gabe to these parties. He knew how much I hated crowds, alcohol and drunk bastards. Somehow the Gabe I know and loved died somewhere around last year when he got involved with the jocks from the football team that got his appetite on alcohol, now he wasn't anything but one of them.

All I did at these parties was get thrown up on, pushed around and eventually dragging a unconscious Gabe back home, walk myself home and get in trouble for breaking my curfew yet again because Gabe refused to leave and smelling like I skinny-dipped in pure vodka. I only came to make sure he was alright, not ending up in a prison cell in Oklahoma like the last time I left early. He hitched a ride with a stranger and somehow didn't realize that the guy said "I'm going to Oklahoma". The stranger freaked when Gabe was still unconscious and dropped him off at a police station where Gabe got arrested for underaged drinking.

"EXCUSE ME?" someone angrily demanded.

I turned to see the classic mean cheerleader, Kayleigh Carell giving me the evil eye. "What?" I shot back coldly.

"You're in my way!" She pushed past me into the newly-vacated bathroom. I pounded angrily on the door, screaming her name. I really needed to go now. I crossed my legs, hoping for the best. "Go piss in a cup, you sleazy dirtbag!" she yelled back.

"KAYLEIGH!" I yelled. "I will throw that cup of piss in your face!"

Someone started grinding on my butt and I turned around, snapping a "GET LOST" to see Gabe's halfway decent best friend, Elliot. "Oh my God Elliot, what are you doing?" I demanded. I knew he didn't drink. "Have you been drinking?" I slapped his hand slowly snaking up my waist away. "Stop that!" I took a step back.

"Aww come on, Ellie," he slurred, clearly drunk. He looked totally plastered. "Why are you being so goody for that unfaithful jerk?"

"Who?" I asked annoyed. I didn't like the promixity that Elliot was in. I pushed him away.

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