Chapter Thirty-Four

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Elle Robinson

"Sorry, could you pass me that drink?" Harry drawls, sounding Scottish. He's drunk out of his mind. He's been drinking since we got here about two hours ago and honestly, everyone gave up trying to stop him.

"Nope," Li says, getting up and clearing all the drinks to the other side of the table so Harry couldn't reach them. "You've drunk enough, I should think."

"What? NOOOOO!" he yells at the top of his voice. "Of course I ain't got enough to drink! What are you, MAD?"

I flinch away because he was screaming in my ear. He puts one hand on my thigh and I slap it away. "Get a grip on yourself," I spit at him. He grins, tracing a line down my neck with his finger. I shiver because I'm ticklish and he grins widely. He's been really clingy all night and even insisted on standing outside the bathroom door when I had to pee. 

Niall shoots him a glare and he quickly puts his hands back on his lap, a slight blush on his cheeks.

"God, someone get Paul. We need to get this guy out of here before he gets thrown out," Zayn says, reaching for his phone when Harry plucks the phone out of his hand and bites it. He hands back the saliva-dripping phone back to Zayn who stares at it in disgust. 

"That's it," Lou announces, extracting himself from Eleanor's arms as he gets up and picks Harry up like a rag doll. Harry's giggling non-stop and too drunk to notice. Li gets up and follow them both out and the giant table is plunged into silence. 

"I should go and help," Niall says suddenly. He kisses me quickly on the lips as he disappears. I stare at my empty glass of some virgin fruit cocktail concoction Niall got me from the bar. I was really thirsty but I wasn't actually looking forward to shoving through the mass of hot sweaty bodies pushed up against each other in the club outside of the VIP lounge area.

"You need a refill?" a sleazy man stumbles up to me, grinning.

"Er, no thanks. Waiting for my boyfriend," I lie calmly. Ever since I've been in LA, you could say I've really broken out of my shell. I learnt to open my mouth and stand up for myself or risk being another freaked-out damsel in distress. Definitely not me. Sleazy man groans. 

"C'mon, dance with me," he slurs.

"No thanks. Oops, there's my boyfriend." I scoot closer to Zayn sitting next to me, hoping he keeps his mouth shut. I wrap a arm around his shoulders. I smile innocently at sleazy man as he sulks away.

"Wow you're really hazardous, aren't you?" Zayn teases. "I think I was right when I told Niall you were nothing but trouble."

"Is that it?" I ask, poking him and he jerks away, laughing. His face is bright red under the darkly lit VIP lounge and flashing red strobe lights. He's looking a nasty color. "Are you OK?" I ask slowly. Maybe it was bad idea that Perrie had to leave yesterday for some rehearsal in London. "You don't look very good."

"I'm fine," he assures me, smiling as he reaches for his glass of whiskey. 

"How many have you had?" I ask, taking the glass gently from him. 

"Like... I dunno, two? I'm not drunk, Elle. Honest. If I was drunk, would I still be this clear-headed?" he asks. I look at him doubtfully. "OK. Here." He hands me his wallet. "That way, I can't pay for any more drinks."

"Well.... OK." I tuck it safely in my bag. 

"Do you need a refill?" he asks, glancing at my empty glass. "Some pina colada thing right?" he asks, grabbing the glass and standing up.

"No, I can do that myself," I interrupt quickly as he stumbles unsteadily on his feet. "Sit down, OK?"

Better to have him stay put than pass out somewhere and cause a big drama when the rest of the lads come back. He should be quite safe here. I glance at Eleanor sitting across us. 

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