A Father's Return

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Author's Note: In this chapter, Athena breaths a sigh of relief when her father is found, but she isn't out of the woods just yet, because Desmond and company are going to be following Athena back to the states where Tony gives them all free run of his Malibu home. As Athena thinks of a way to get back to her beloved Ezio. Enjoy!


Athena had stayed up for days finishing the celebrations for Malik's new arm, the metal was Vibranium and she even added the hidden blade to it as she worked within the safety of the sanctuary, she could feel Ezio's pain echoing through time. Desmond was currently in the animus in the next room and she was starting to get tired. Just as Desmond finished for the day she began to see the telltale signs of the bleeding effect "Desmond is not to be back in that thing for the next few days, regardless of what anyone says or does, I catch him in it I will destroy the Animus am I clear?" she said.

Lucy, Shaun, and Rebecca all looked at her "Desmond, how long have you been suffering from the bleeding effect?" Athena asked, "Other than learning moves, of course, I am talking about flashbacks."

This of course caught Altair and Maria's attention "It has been getting worse, hints why I have been taking it easy," Desmond said, "I have been seeing mainly Altair's memories even when his oldest son was conceived...never again."

Malik howled with laughter as Athena smirked "That is two ancestors you have been playing Peeping Tom too," she pointed out.

Desmond sent her a playful glare as Altair walked over to her and hooked his arm around her waist careful not to jar her "And you Athena need rest," Altair said.

Athena nodded "Rest...rest is good..." she said before pitching forward.


If it weren't for Altair's fast reflexes, Athena would have a concussion no doubt. Brandy watched as the legendary Master Assassin picked Athena up gently as Desmond left the room to get some sleep. Altair following close behind with Athena. Brandy let out a sigh "She works too damn much," she said, "Then again she is the boss of STARK INDUSTRIES at least until our father is found."

"SHIELD is also helping look for your father Brandy," Brock said, "He will be found, alive you'll see."

Brandy nodded as she looked over at Malik "As soon as she is finished she is going to want to put it on, may as well take the trash arm off so get your Dai ass over here." she said.

Malik chuckled at her as she waved a wrench around in a threatening manner. Malik sat down and she worked on removing the arm from his shoulder as the alarm went off "Brandy, it would appear that Master Kadar is returning injured." Apollo said.

Brandy paused her work in time to see a bleeding Kadar appear "Get your ass to medical right this second Kadar I will be right behind you." she said pausing in her work to get up and follow Kadar.

As soon as Kadar got onto the table she worked to help him remove his armor "What happened?" she asked

"Ezio, being reckless," Kadar said, "Without Athena, he's lost and has fallen into old habits,"

Brandy sighed and took note of the large gash on Kadar's shoulder and arm "You got lucky or you would be like your brother," she said

"Maybe a Vibranium arm would knock some damn sense in his head, Allah, knows he needs it right now," Kadar replied.

Brock and Jack joined her in the room to help her with Kadar "Keep pressure on that Jack." she said

"You got it," Jack said, "This is gonna hurt."

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