Wolf Among Sheep PT 2

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Tony looked at the screen in absolute shock; his eldest daughter was having sexual relations with her soulmate. Tony could see Athena's name on Ezio's chest over his heart plain as day. He turned his head "I don't want to see that!" he exclaimed

"Well, at least she's safe," Malik replied with a slight blush before shooting eye daggers at Lucy, Rebecca, and Shaun, "You three have no shame do you?"

"Don't look at us, Baby has been acting funny all day," Rebecca said.

That did not sound good at all "Move over Becky, I need to see something." he said moving over to her.

Tony looked over the data it was similar, very much so to Amanda's Animus "It would appear there is a glitch," he said, "Jarvis, hook up to the Animus see what you can't find."

"Of course, sir," Jarvis said.

Rebecca was trying to aid Jarvis to navigate his way through the Animus "Sir, it would appear that there is a human conscious within the Animus's program." Jarvis said just as Athena had returned

"Do we know who?" Athena asked.

Tony looked at his daughter, she had her robes on, but she wore the ring, necklace, and earrings that had been given to her "Enjoy your night with my future-son-in-law of whom I will be having a talk with." he asked.

Athena looked at her father "Now is not the time father, whatever is going on could cause Desmond to go into a coma, and I for one don't want to see what will happen when his soulmate finds out." she said

"Thanks, Jarvis." a voice said, "Hey boss, long time no talk?"

"Clay?" Athena asked in shock

"Yeah, it's me, I hope you don't mind but I kind of loaded my subconscious into the animus, it was the only way I could figure how to talk to you." the voice said, "Jarvis was nice enough to let me use his system to communicate, quite the buzz you caused."

"Clay, I'm sorry," Lucy said

"Don't be baby girl, HYDRA is very much alive and they are planning something big, they have spies in Abstrego, they knew who I was and I was not about to let them sick bastards use me to get to Athena and her sisters, no, sir, not this cowboy," Clay said.

Athena smirked at this "Now that you here, your wrecking havoc on the animus, and Desmond is close to being put in a coma,"

"Sorry about that, I found a way to break the Bleeding Effect. Trust me it isn't nice." Clay said

"Naw, ya think?" Athena snarked

"There's the snark," Clay said, "Desmond will have to go into a coma, his brain will have to heal while I break the ISU technology's connection, it is the same that your mother did."

Tony looked at his daughter he knew this was risky if anything "How are we going to find the Apple if he is in a coma?" he asked

"Don't worry, Sarah knows its location," Clay said, "Just because I am part of the animus doesn't mean I don't know what is going on, Ezio is my ancestor also, and I will rise from the dead if he breaks your heart, Athena, soulmate or not."

Tony couldn't argue with that logic, as they all looked at Desmond in worry "His soulmate is not going to like this one bit." Shaun said

"I will deal with Tasha," Athena said

"Desmond is slowly losing his grip on reality, we have all seen it ourselves, one moment he is fine, the next he thinks he is Altair or Ezio," Vieri said, "He is suffering as it is, if him being put in a coma to heal him is the way, then it must be done."

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