To Make A Point

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Author's Note: In this chapter, Athena is injured and is sent back to the future to heal, Ezio starts a downward spiral of revenge, and word gets back to Lucy and the others, and we cannot forget the events of Ironman, that's right folks this is the start of the Ironman chapters. Enjoy!


Ah, Florence, Italy, the city by the river. A beautiful place, for all of its beauty it had but one problem...HYDRA. Athena had arrived to try and figure out where the first seal was, Ezio was visiting Leonardo and Ceaser was her back up. Athena should have known better because she was a wanted woman even though a month or so had passed since Vieri and Federico had been sent to her era. Athena had just walked around the corner when a sword came out of nowhere only to be blocked by Ceaser before she activated her hidden blade plunging it into her would-be killer's throat. As soon as the HYDRA soldier fell 6 more came into view "Cut off one head six more take its place," Athena said

"Right," Ceaser said sarcastically

"Ceaser, we have been ordered by your father to bring you and the whore to him at once." one of the soldiers said

"Whore?" Athena asked appalled, "Whore?"

"How dare you call my love a whore!" a voice said as robes of red and white with a red and black shoulder cape performed a well-timed and well-executed air assassination.

Athena smirked as Ezio drew his sword and she and Ceaser did the same as 12 more HYDRA soldiers came out of nowhere "You have got to be kidding me!" Athena said.

The three of them stood back to back "They want Athena and I," Ceaser said

"Typical damn HYDRA," she growled, "They think they have the numbers game when it is in fact quite the opposite."

"How do you figure wench?" one of them said

"Because she has us!" Sarah said from above.

Their visit to Florance had turned into an all-out sword fight in the streets. People were screaming and running in terror as more HYDRA soldiers arrived. Athena drew the Sword of Demoklies and lit them up only to see more coming "So, much for that." Sarah said.

Out the corner of her eye, she saw a HYDRA soldier with a Spear aimed at Ezio's back. EZIO! Without a second thought, Athena threw herself in the middle of the offending weapon and her soulmates back only to feel the pain bloom in her stomach. Athena gritted her teeth and fried the son of a bitch with Demoklies just as Sarah screamed her name.


Ezio had finished off his target when he heard Sarah call out Athena's name. He turned around in time to see Athena pull a spear from her stomach and she stumbles backward into his arms "Athena my love," he said

"I...I couldn't let him stab you in the back..." she said.

Ezio felt tears pricking his eyes, it had been a week since his father, brother, and de Pazzi left...since she had laid with him and now she was being ripped from him. Was he not meant to be happy? Why did God have to punish him? Athena reached up and wiped away a tear that managed to fall from his eyes "It will be alright my love." she said.

The rest of HYDRA had fallen back the moment Kassandra and Alexios took their former weapons up and began to rain down all kinds of unholy hell on their heads. Ezio picked her up "We have to stop the bleeding so she can get help." Sarah said

"We will take her to Leonardo's, he isn't far from here," he said.

They moved quickly to Leonardo's as Ceaser knocked on the door "My god what happened?" Leonardo said as Ceaser opened the door and he walked in holding Athena in his arms

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