To Fight For What Is Right

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Author's note: This first part will have Desmond Miles in it. You may boo, and stamp and shout saying Desmond is a boring character to start with and that I should go back to Athena, but I will not. Desmond is as much as a part of the story as Athena is and he has his thoughts and challenges ahead of him. Now let us begin.

My name is Desmond Miles, and I am a prisoner of war...
A war I never knew I would be drug into...
By three groups I never thought were real...and one that wouldn't be heard of until the 1930s and 40s.
The Templars...The Assassins...and HYDRA...
The Animus has shown me the truth, the things I've seen, the things I've been...
A thousand years of history flowing through my veins, brought to life by this machine and I am not alone...
Athena Cameron-Stark...the daughter of billionaire playboy Tony Stark has seen it too...
Hell, she lived it, while I took the back seat with my ancestor Altair...
They are using it...using me to search for something called the apple...its an artifact one of many so-called Pieces of Eden...which Athena holds three of...
The Templars collect's how they stay in power, but Athena...she is challenging it...
If the Templars get their hands on another one, everything will change...
They want to make us all their slaves before HYDRA does...
When they first brought me here, I was afraid of what would happen if I tried to fight I am afraid of what would happen if I don't...
But I can't do it alone...and I know Athena can't either...and maybe Athena and I don't have too...I met someone...her name is Lucy...I think she is on my side and Athena's.
But she is gone now...taken away by that bastard Warren Vidic...and his Templar Masters...I don't know what will happen, or what will happen to me...
All I know is that I need to get out of here...find Athena and stop both the Templars and HYDRA before it is too late...
My name is Desmond Miles, and this is my story...

Desmond Miles sat up and walked to the door of his room when it opened to reveal Lucy Stillmen...and boy was he happy to see her alright, but before he could greet her he cut her off "We have to go," she said.

He looked at her dumbfounded for a moment as she turned finally finding his voice the descendent of Altair spoke: "Lucy where have you been? What did they-"

He was cut off again as Lucy turned back to him and said: "Now!"

Desmond had no idea what was going on until he saw her shirt it had spots of blood on it and he grew concerned as he followed her to the Animus which she was booting up "Get in," she said

"What's with the blood? Are you okay?" he countered.

Lucy just kept looking at him "Look we have maybe ten minutes," Lucy began, "-Maybe- before they figure out what I have done. If we are not out of here and on the road by then..."

"Wait, we're leaving?" he asked cutting her off.

This had to be a dream, had to have been "Desmond, I will answer ALL of your questions. Later. But right now I need you to just shut up and do as I say," she began, "Now please get into the Animus."

Desmond knew this wasn't the time to argue so he did as he was told "Alright,"

He laid down on the uncomfortable slab of technology that Athena's from Cameron Hall looked a hell of a lot more comfortable than what he was used to. He wondered how his friend had been doing, and how her sisters were as he waited for Lucy to finish booting up the Animus. The Viser slipped over his eyes as he waited to be synched with a genetic memory buried deep within his DNA. He stood in Animus limbo as the search found a genetic memory. The Animus found the memory and locked onto it.

A woman screams in pain she is in labor for a child, the two midwives help her through it giving her words of encouragement. With a final push, the baby is born.

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