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"Magic is delicate, sweet, bitter and most time misunderstood and that is exactly how fire is, fire is graceful, dangerous and quick to get out of hand, the wilder of fire must learn control, learn patient and learn how to shift power from one angle to another. you must be strong willed to control fire, flames can easily get out of hand. the purest form of fire is the Blue flame, the red is easier to control, but the blue burns so deep, there are other rare flames like purple and green they burn just as hot as blue, but beware fire doesn't listen, it isn't reasoned with, its controlled, make a wrong move and it consumes even its wilder"
Vix looked to her right, Safina smiled at her, she looked to her left, Xina was smiling confidently at their teacher. this was a class for only witches so Ginger was not here, her presence kind of made Vix feel secure sometimes. she took a deep breath and focused.
"stand up, witches and Wizards"
they stood up, their lecturer Amelia Franchise was a witch in the Council of Protectors but she was also a lecturer at the Academy of magical things. she was elegant, posed and straight forward.
"light your fire"
Vix watched as everyone started lighting their fire, some people were having issues lighting their fire, the girl beside Xina groan in frustration as her fire lit and went off immediately, she kept trying, Xina bent her head and whispered something to her, she nodded and tried again, the flames were small but they lasted this time. she whispered her thanks to Xina. half of the class couldn't make their fire.
" those of you who have gotten your fire started show the rest of the class how its done"
a large lamp was in front of each of the student with a small entrance to it, the fire they were going to put inside was going to be used to light up some part of the school, like the library and corridors. Vix wasn't worried, fire was the first trick she learnt, her blue flames were hotter than any flame she's ever felt. she watched as other witches lit their lamp, when it came to their turn, Safina used one hand to direct her purple flame into the lamp, Xina used her index finger to light her lamp, while staring at her nails, Vix looked at Safina, she mounted the words
"show off"
Vix giggled quietly, it was her turn, she took a deep breath and remembered Grand Willow's teaching, no need to show off, she needed to remain neutral, pretend she didn't know too much, be willing to learn and conceal her magic. she used both her hands and directed her flame to the lamp, the blue flames warmed her face, she pretended to not being able to control it, she used the force of her flames to push herself to the ground.
Safina ran to her and helped her sit up
"are you okay?"
"yeah, just hurt my head"
she said and held on to the back of her head, she had hurt herself on purpose, she hated pretending to not be good enough, but if she wanted to survive, this little show was necessary
Xina offered her a hand and helped her stand up
"I was really sure you were going to score this one, your flame was steady, strong and well directed, you didn't miss your aim, strange you couldn't Handel it"
"yeah thanks Xina"
Vix said drily, Safina made a face at her.
"Are you okay?"
Madam Amelia asked
"I'm fine, thank you"
"you are dismissed from class, go and check yourself, Safina take her"
"thank you Madam!"
Safina held her hand and led her out of the class, class for witches was most of the time held in forest like regions or close to river banks, Safina and Vix walked quietly out of the mini forest, created for classes. when they were out of anybody's hearing Safina spoke up.
"You faked it didn't you?"
"no problem, still want to go to the nurse"
"come on, let me take you to one of my favorite place"
Safina took her hand and led her out of the forest, they climbed some stone carved stairs and came to a flowing river, there were few trees here
Safina led her to the river and they sat close to the river bank
she looked into the clear water and saw fishes, the fishes had glittering skin but each of them were different colors
"the rainbow fish, they are rare and beautiful, it is said that they restore sight to any one who eats them raw"
"it's what I heard, they are also found only in this river, this river flows around the school towards different places around the world, then ends up in a place called Bur, but  Bur has never been found"
Vix gasp, she was talking about her forest, were she grown up.
" so tell me, why did you fake it?"
Vix hesitated
"if you tell me the truth, I'll tell you why I don't stay in the girls dorm and why I don't have usual classes like everyone else"
Vix thought for a while and decided to share a little info
"well, my grand mother, she told me to be careful and to not over do things and to stay hidden"
"well you should pay attention to her, the Academy is not as clean as it looks"
"what do you mean?"
"there are dangerous people here Vix, be Careful, not everyone has your interest at heart, the council turns magic born to their puppets, they make them do nasty thing to stay in power. you must be careful"
"I will"
"I promise"
Vix said, Safina took a deep breath more relaxed
"you're the first person i'm making friends with and its because I feel this connection, I can't explain it"
"well, I feel same too, tell me why don't you stay in the girls dorm"
"because I can't control my magic, its reckless and gets out of hand, I confine myself to a part of the school were I can't hurt anyone..."
"hey... it happens to many of us, its happened to me.."
"it has?"
"yes... I once almost burnt down my entire home... I felt so..."
"guilty, bad, like you should lock your magic away forever"
Safina suggested
"exactly, but I tried harder and I managed to control my magic, I still lack in many places but i'm trying, you can do it too, sometimes you can't do it on your own"
"thanks Vix"
"you're welcome"
Vix smiled at her and surprisingly Safina hugged her
"let me check your head, you were bleeding"
"geez you're such a mom"
"oh just hold still Vix"
they laughed.

Vix walked through the Hall ways touching the polish wood, she's never been in this part of the Academy before, she was returning to her Dorm from escorting Safina, this place was so private, so quiet, so nice, Safina room was far from others, apparently only special people stayed here, where did Xina stay? she raised her head and study the color glass roof, it was beautiful, but why glass? she kept walking, staring at the ceiling, it was beautiful, she loved the quiet of this place, but she didn't want to stay in a place like this. there was something off about it. she bumped into someone and lost her balance, she was almost on the ground when strong arms pulled her back to her feet, swift and gently, she brush curls away from her face.
"I'm so sorry"
she said and met soulful golden brown eyes, the eyes were warm in a cold, unsmiling face.
"you should watch where you go"
"okay and I said sorry"
she said and walked pass him, his scent was strong, yet slightly delicate, it assaulted her nose, out of curiosity she looked back and saw him staring at her with such intensity, it was unnerving
"why are you stating?"
"I don't know"
he replied dryly and truthfully, she turned and faced him, she wanted to walk away but she couldn't, he held her gaze.

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