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Vix was trying really hard to focus on her book but her last conversation with her friends about Ace was seriously weighing her down. plus he's been avoiding for a week.
could it really be possible? was she his mate? had he imprinted on her?
Vix realized someone was watching her. She looked around the large library and her eyes finally settled on the balcony, He was standing there staring at her with such intensity she could literally feel the energy coming from him. Eyes that penetrated her body and soul made her feel like a weak prey, it made her shiver, she was suddenly cold.
She recognized those golden brown eyes that made her heart start to race. Goosebumps danced along her skin, his soft yet bold scent filled the room, harassing her nostrils. Why was he looking at her like that? Why was there sadness in those beautiful eyes of his, she found herself craving to hold him, to comfort him. The book she was reading dropped from her weak shaky hands.
Vix bit her lower lip nervously and packed her things 'no i am not in love, I don't even know what love is' she told herself, she hung her bag on her shoulder and left the library, she hated how hurt she felt each time she saw him and he acted like he didn't see her, he hurt her feelings by avoiding her, so she was going to do the exact same thing, avoid him.
As she walked down the stairs she knew he was following her, she took another part towards the slim passage way. She gasp in shock as he appeared in front of her, she sigh, what was she thinking, thinking she could out run a vampire, with his sense of smell and speed. He cornered her, her heart was racing madly, he was just a step away from her, looming over like a tall wall, he filled up her space, making the passage way seem so small, she couldn't breath. Goodness he was tall, she was a five-three, while he was a solid six foot two, it was intimidating.
"What do you want Ace"
"I'm so sorry.. I..."
"Sorry for what? I'm not mad at you"
"you are"
"I'm not and if you don't mind, please move out of my way"
"Vix... my love"
she shoved him away
"Don't you dare call me that!"
a strong breeze pushed him to the wall, his strength cracked the wall, she took a deep breath, getting her magic under control.
"Don't call me that, I am not your love, I refuse to be used like that"
"I didn't use you"
"you didn't? then what do you call, kissing me, saying things that normal people don't say to each other, then treating me like I didn't exist for a week"
"Let me explain..."
"explain what? I am not your toy and I'm defiantly not your mate, you can't imprint on me, I refuse you"
she bent down, picked up her bag and walked away, Ace sigh, her words tore at him, 'I  am not your toy' didn't she know that he would never play with her, couldn't she see how he felt through his eyes. 'I'm defiantly not your mate' that hurt the most
Vix body trembled as she fought to contain all this emotions raising in her. the look in Ace's eyes when she told him she wasn't his mate broke her heart, tears rolled down her cheeks, she felt so alone, without Daphne, without Grand Willow, she felt so empty right now. she took a deep breath and decided to let all this negative energy go. she looked up at the bright blue sky, what was she doing here? she felt like she didn't belong here. she turned towards the tree, took deep breaths and screamed her lungs out. the magic that came out of her fell all the trees in front of her, the green grass dried up and the ground crack, the plain before her became like a mini desert. when she was done screaming, her weak legs gave way and she fell to the ground, she felt so weak, like she's been drained, her stomach hurt, she wrap her arms around her stomach, the pain was excruciating.
"WOW that is a lot of inner power you just released, you must have been gathering up this negative energy for a while now, are you okay?"
Vix looked up, a neatly dressed woman in a suit, with golden blond hair held in a tight bun, stood beside her staring at the destroyed plain
"I feel awful"
Vix whimpered
"come on, you need to gather your strength"
she helped Vix stand on her feet, but she only dropped back on the ground.
"that weak I see"
"what's going on?"
they both turned to see Ace staring at the women suspiciously
"What did you do to her?"
he sounded angry, his fangs were already visible
"she... didn't.. I did, this is all my fault, I released too much pent up energy"
Ace rushed to her. He place her head on top of his lap
"You did this?"
"I di...d"
"She's weak, here drink this, you'll regain your strength"
The woman bent down and helped her drink a very bitter drink
"black brew"
"it's really strong and boost one's energy and immune system"
the woman said smiling at her kindly, that's when Ayla remembered where she's seen her, with Safina
"you're Safina's Aunt?"
"you can call me Doris... don't worry you'll be fine in a few minutes"
She said assessing them both
"Thank you"
Ace told her
"oh it's nothing, this will not go unpunished though, you destroyed school property, I expect you to start working on this land, immediately you get well, you will tend it back to it's former health, understood?"
"yes ma'am"
"Good, Ace take care of her"
"I will"
Doris left them alone, they were quiet for a while.
"I'm so sorry, look what I caused"
"it's not your fault..."
Vix was feeling stronger, she sat up. Maroon took her hand in his.
"I've been so scared, Dacima tore my heart into a thousand pieces, I am afraid, she was a witch, a powerful one too, she deceived me, Vincent might have drained my strength and inflicted deep wounds on me, but Dacima put the stark through my heart"
He raised her hand to his chest, she could feel his heart beat, it was beating so fast.
"I'm not going to hurt you, rather I fear it's the other way.. I don't understand my feelings, it's all so new to me... I..."
"I love you Vix"
there he said the words. she stated at him in shock, he bit his lower lip nervously, maybe he said it too soon.
"I love you too Ace"
Those words pleased him more than she could ever imagine, it made him so happy. he pulled her to him and kissed her with all he had, he wanted to bite her here and now, to start creating their bound, he wanted to truly imprint on her, so that anyone who saw her would know she belonged to him. yet he couldn't he knew it wasn't time. something like that would scare her, so he decided to wait. but for how long could he wait?

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