Chapter 6

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A/N: I'm like excited but also nervous to write the subtly obvious flirting that will occur soon. This story is quite different from my other works so it'll be fun to explore. Anyways enjoy, and let me know what you think :) <3

Chapter 6

Ethan wasn't sure what to make of Wesley after he emerged from the bathroom. Ethan wasn't expecting him to be waiting for him in the hall, let alone the slight pink tinge that spread through his cheeks as Ethan had given him a glance over. The clothes had fit decently, but the sleeves were exposing his muscles a bit too much for his liking, but he wasn't complaining. He finally felt comfortable and warm compared to earlier, so he'd take the clothes Wesley lent him with pride.

But the way Wesley was looking at him made him shift in place. What was up with him?

As they awkwardly went back downstairs, Rosie had come up to brush her head against Ethan's hand.

"Coffee? Or tea?" Wesley suggested as he headed towards the kitchen.

"Coffee," Ethan said, giving Rosie a good pat and scratch behind the ears. "Just cream, if you have."

"Do I have creamer?" Wesley mocked, before opening the fridge to show not one but three different creamers on the door. "Vanilla, caramel, or white mocha?"

"Surprise me," Ethan smirked.

Wesley had one of those fancy Keurigs, but Ethan watched as he made a regular brew with a quick button, before stirring in the white mocha creamer. He handed him the cup before making himself what looked to be a fancier coffee.

"So," Wesley drawled out, as Rosie circled around before resting at his feet. He took a sip of his coffee as he took a seat on the other side of the counter. "Firefighter, you say? Lay it on me. I've never met a firefighter."

"Volunteer firefighter," he corrected again.

Wesley scoffed. "You say it like there's a difference."

"There is. The pay is different, so are the benefits." He paused to stare at his cup, before saying softly. "And the requirements."

"So why not become a regular firefighter?"

"I can't." Ethan frowned at his cup of coffee. "I...I just can't."

Ethan wasn't sure why it bothered him so much, as Wesley was barely just above a stranger. There were days he'd tell his whole tragic sob story to strangers who'd listen. Usually at a local bar or pub while he was trying to drink to forget about it. But he wasn't sure why he had qualms about telling Wesley his embarrassing secret that he resented about himself.

A part of him probably wondered if Wesley would even care. Another part told him that he was stuck sharing a roof with him, and he made things even more awkward then Ethan would feel obligated to walk into the middle of the snowstorm to try and salvage the remains of his dignity.

"Why not?"

But damn did Wesley have the kindest, gentlest, and warm brown eyes Ethan had ever seen. And it broke his resolve worse than any stray puppy or kitten Ethan had ever come across. So he told him. Ethan's weakness, or what he felt was his greatest downfall.

"I'm a dropout."


"Out of high school," Ethan clarified. "I got my GED maybe a month before I became a volunteer."

"Well, that's great!" Wesley grinned, as Ethan watched in horror as his smile remained even as he took a sip from his cup of tea. "But you could still become a firefighter, right? Upgrade with more training?"

"Th-that's not how it works," Ethan muttered, still in disbelief. "I'd still need to go to school."

"Oh?" Wesley put the cup down. "I wasn't aware."

"A fire science degree. Well, they say it's highly recommended, but it's damn near impossible for someone like me."

"What makes you say that?"

"I don't know." Ethan shrugged. "School wasn't my thing, and I don't think they'd let someone like me in."

Wesley hummed but didn't say anything. Ethan sighed before muttering. "Besides, I don't envision doing this for the rest of my life. It was never my plan to become one, but well I needed the money and it was the closest thing I was going to get to being what I wanted."

"And what was that?"

"A vet," Ethan responded without a second thought. "Big and small, I wanted to help animals. In a way, I've been able to help quite a few. Mostly dogs and cats. A couple of horses in a barn fire once."

Wesley had been half-listening to Ethan rant about a couple of his distressed animal calls, completely struck cold by Ethan's aspirations. He wasn't sure to laugh or cry. A wave of emotions hitting Wesley as the similarities between Ethan and Daniel were becoming way too close for comfort.

He chuffed, thinking there was no way God would have pitted these two together by coincidence. The odds of both of them being this eerily similar was rather unnerving for Wesley. As if sensing his discomfort, Rosie nudged his leg looking up at him with her gentle eyes. Wesley scratched behind her ear as he

"Oh," Ethan said dejectedly, noticing Wesley's change of mood. "It's dumb isn't it? Someone like me wanting to be a vet? I get it."

Wesley had blinked, surprised to see Ethan frowning deeply, his forehead marred with deep lines as he stared into the empty cup. "No, it's just you remind me of someone, sorry. I think that's great."

Ethan looked at him confusedly before remembering the picture on the mantle. "You mean him?"

Wesley didn't have to look at where Ethan pointed, well aware that he had probably seen the picture, seen the extra stocking and possibly the other belongings through the house that still made the home feel like a home of three rather than the two.

"Daniel," Wesley said his name, a bittersweet feeling ran through him. "Yes, him."

Ethan hummed, unsure if he should even try to push the subject. "Um, he's-"

"Was," Wesley said with a heavy heart, before fiddling with the ring around his neck on a delicate silver chain. "He was my boyfriend. Nearly my fiance."

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"It's alright," Wesley assured, even though it still hurt to think about Daniel.

Ethan bit his lip, regretting saying anything, even mentioned the damn photo. Him and his damn mouth always ruining everything again. He didn't know why it bothered him, but after how indebted he had become to Wesley, the last he wanted to be was insensitive. But a damn a part of him had been happy. Inappropriately happy that his suspicion had been right for once. It had failed him with Lucas Brahm, but it seemed he was right about Wesley. Not that he intended on pursuing him, but it was nice to know that there were people like him out here, even in a small town like this. As a teen, Ethan had felt so lost and alone because he had felt he was the only one to feel this way.

"Besides," Wesley shook his head, before forcing a smile. "Wanna know something bizarre? He was a vet here in this town. What are the odds?"

"Oh," Ethan replied, a slight smile graced his face. "What a coincidence."

"Ya," Wesley breathed. Some coincidence, he thought. Some damn coincidence.

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